<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Apr 25 2007, 10:11 AM) [snapback]429694[/snapback]</div> Don't underestimate the Nokia.. You can do anything that a real computer can do with it (SSH, network browsing, remote computer access). I think you can even hook up a small bluetooth keyboard if you're so inclined. I have a freedom mini keyboard, which is roughly the size of a credit card, and I use it with my Smartphone all the time.. Also, the N800 has a 800 pixel width display, which does make web browsing useful. The iPhone can't match that.
Yes, these toys are cool, but I'd rather travel without them. I go to get away, not to take it with me. Anyone for a few quiet hours deep in the woods, or sitting on a mountain peak?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ Apr 25 2007, 08:06 AM) [snapback]429742[/snapback]</div> The laptop is 5 1/2 lbs heavier, and much bigger. If I put it in my checked luggage it takes a LOT of space, and I risk it's being damaged, and arriving useless. If I carry it, it's very heavy, added to the backpack with all the stuff I cannot risk losing. I have a bad back, and from Spokane almost any trip is 2 or 3 flights, with one or two layovers. At 7 ounces, the Nokia can go in my backpack, extremely small liklihood of loss or damage. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Apr 25 2007, 08:35 AM) [snapback]429779[/snapback]</div> The Nokia will sit in the hotel room. Neither it nor the cell phone comes to the mountaintop. For that, every ounce makes a difference! Yes, there is a bluetooth keyboard you can get for it, but I don't expect to need or want that. It arrived in Spokane this afternoon and will be delivered tomorrow. Once I have it up and running, I'll probably have to visit the free wi-fi hotspot at the library to see how it works. HEY! Someone earlier recommended against connecting to secure sites via public wi-fi. Why is that? With SSL, all communication should be secure, shouldn't it?
You never know who controls a free wi-fi hot spot. For all you know, every packet being sent to and from your device could be routed through, and saved, on a server somewhere by someone looking for some free money. Yes, SSL is supposed to be secure... however, i don't think there's been a security protocol yet that can't be cracked - taking the chance is up to you. FWIW, people who do stuff like this tend to look for the easy buck, and it's possible (even likely?) that encrypted communications will be thrown out to make room for idiots that don't use encryption.
I spent much of yesterday afternoon playing with the Nokia. It's fairly intuitive, and has help documentation built-in. Seems to be identical to the on-line manual. There is no print manual, only a quick-start guide. It includes a chess game, though it's hard to play due to poor choice of design for the pieces. Two-dimensional symbols are much easier to see than fancy, non-standard, three-dimensional images, which are not even Staunton pieces. No solitaire, but I gather there is downloadable software available for it. The 2 1/8 by 3 9/16 inch screen is clear and readable, with zoom available. I have not taken it to the library yet, so I have not tested it on the net. I do not have a bluetooth phone so I have no way to test that feature, but I have no interest in using it as a phone. It has a web cam built in, but I have not yet figured out how to save still pics with it. The camera image is poor, but for web chat would be fine. I never use web chat. Handwriting recognition is poor. It recognizes letters correctly, but interpolates spaces and punctuation marks. However "typing" with the stylus, while a bit slow, is easy. It will be fine for sending brief emails. It looks like it will meet my needs perfectly. For well over a year I've wanted a hand-held computer for travel, and this seems to be it.
I also just got the n800. My main reason for buying was portability and useability. I looked at severable other devices, but the n800 just seems better all around. The screen is gorgeous. Viewing webpages is simple, no scrolling from side to side. And in full screen mode the page looks just like it would on a pc. It also, stores and plays several audio and video files, so why bother carrying an ipod? By the way, I wrote and posted this using mine.
I finally got to the library so I could go online with mine and try out its internet capabilities. I'm a bit less enthusiastic than Jon. When viewing a full web page, it's so small I cannot read any of the text. Zooming in worked fine, except that Yahoo mail uses frames, and the horizontal scroll bar for the frame was at the bottom of the frame, not the bottom of the screen, so that I had to scroll the screen to the bottom, in order to scrol the frame to the right. I finally found an "optimized" mode that reformatted the text within the frame so that I could read it, though it was uncomfortable. In general, I found myself having to take off my glasses to read it. I am nearsighted, and my glasses push my focal point too far out. But reading for any length of time without my glasses gives me a headache. In conclusion: It does work for what I want to do. It's uncomfortable. But that's an acceptable compromise in order to have internet access at just under half a pound of weight. I am satisfied with it. I tried listening to streaming audio, and that was a flop. The sound was all broken up. At first I thought the earphones were bad, but back home the earphones worked on an audio file on the N800. So the problem was probably the bandwidth of the wi-fi connection at the library. I would not consider the N800 acceptable for doing extensive computer work. But since I will be using it in places where I just want to check my email and the weather, and perhaps use the net to check out local activity opportunities, it will suit my purposes. And not having to lug a 6 lb laptop will be a great improvement. Especially for trips to the two wilderness lodges I'm going to this summer, where access is by helicopter and luggage is limited to 25 lbs.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ May 2 2007, 12:41 PM) [snapback]434023[/snapback]</div> I'm not sure how this will turn out on the N800, but try going to m.yahoo.com. It's a 'mobile' version of yahoo, and generally is lighter and faster (and uses no frames).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jonnycat26 @ May 2 2007, 09:55 AM) [snapback]434041[/snapback]</div> WOW! Thanks for that. I cannot access the net with my N800 at home because I don't have a wi-fi network, but I logged on from the regular computer, and it looks as though it will work. That'll make a big difference. Next time I'm at the library I'll try it with the Nokia. Another item about the Nokia: Sometimes when I tell it to shut down it does a restart. If I don't pay attention, it can end up on and consuming battery power. From now on I'm going to shut down more carefully and make sure it's not restarting by itself. It does not have a lock like the iPod, but the power switch is recessed, and starting requires a very long press. So it should be just about impossible for it to get turned on accidentally.
When I use your method number 2, my N800 does a re-boot instead of a shut-down. When I use your number 1 the Nokia does shut down. But within a day or two, it will start up all by itself!!! I've written to Nokia and am waiting for a reply.
I just assumed you have installed the latest update, version 3.2007.10-7. There were some issues before, but this was supposed to fix it. It was the first thing I did. Just before adding the FM radio, camera, and email notifier. Good luck and I hope this helps.
Right now, I'd say that iPhone is the way to go but thats my mac bias talking. The main advantage is that it doesn't run WinMobile5 or 6 so should be more secure on the device OS side (macs usually are) and its just going to be cool. just my $0.02 though
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Enoyls @ May 23 2007, 11:48 AM) [snapback]448209[/snapback]</div> Windows Mobile has very little to do with Windows proper... But yeah, expensive closed devices that under perform when compared to the competition are always cool!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Enoyls @ May 23 2007, 08:48 AM) [snapback]448209[/snapback]</div> The iPhone is too expensive, and it requires a phone service contract, which I don't need because I'm satisfied with my present phone and carrier. I think the Nokia N800 will meet my very minimal needs. BTW I sent the defective unit back to Amazon and they immediately shipped me a brand new replacement. I had tried to get service from Nokia. They wanted me to send it in. But their web form for returns requires a phone number and provider for the "phone" but the N800 is not a phone!!! The web form will not function without this non-existant information. Then I realized I was within Amazon's 30-day return period, and Presto, I got a new unit. The problem was intermittent, so I'll wait a couple of days before I declare the new unit clean. One real problem: There is no way to update the N800 software without a Windows computer! Why don't they have an installer built in, so the update file could be downloaded to any computer and transfered to the N800 via its USB connection, and installed? Or even downloaded directly to the N800 via its WiFi? And why build a computer to run on Linux, and then require a Windows computer to update it?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ May 23 2007, 04:59 PM) [snapback]448515[/snapback]</div> I agree, why pay the extra money when the iPhone is really less of a web browser!! Have you checked out maemo.org?? I just talked to thoughtfix at internettablettalk.com. He assured me they have a flasher for unix/linux. You might try that. I need a bumper sticker for my N800 that says " My other computer runs Windows"