A priest, a rabbi and a monk Said "we're agreed - religion is bunk" But sheep must be led And we must be fed So let's keep on spew'in out junk My street's full of stay-at-home moms I'm reminded of tupperware and proms But what will they do If he says "We're through!" She'd need a good lawyer for balms Welcome to your first day Your cubicle is 42A Your phone is on tape There is no escape Now get to work and earn your pay
There was a young man from Nantucket He vowed to see the world 'for kicken the bucket But when he got back He wife said, "fancy that!" I'm go'in with you on your next junket
He has a job that's cush He owes it all to Bush He favored his girlfriend Now it's the end They want to give him the push
"A lack of refining capacity" Certainly defines audacity Billions aren't enough To refine the stuff? I think I smell mendacity
My license plate says "Impeach" It brought the cops, who stopped with a screech That's strictly forbidden! It needs to be hidden! What happened to freedom of speech?
There once was a man with a Prius, Who was accused of being pious, So he filled up his tank Whilst accusers drained the bank Their insults cannot demean us!
Some people do knock the Prius They sneer whenever they see us I have a feeling, my friend They worked for GM The truth is, they want to be us
So GM holds back their new hybrid? They make people turn away like I did! It's not all their fault That we many have balked But it's time for a change in their climate
"The word is 'wu wei'. It can be translated several ways, but I tend to think of it as 'active nonaction'. Do not try to do, just do. Do not actively try to solve your problems, let them solve themselves. Be like water. Do not let yourself be injured by the rocks of life. Flow around them." When stop 'n go traffic Makes you psychopathic Follow the Tao It shows you how To avoid stress disease idiopathic
Dealing with reality's a chore Let's put the world on global ignore The invasion of Iraq Will put democracy on track We just need a trillion dollar war