I have been on the waiting list for a little over one month, when a letter arrives in the mail today stating that the dealship has acquired some low mileage Prius and to call if interested, blah blah blah....first thought was that this probably wasn't a good thing.....turns out I was right. They bought some package 2004 package #1s (the sales guy didn't know what package they were, but he did say didn't have the side airbags, so I'm going to guess they were #1s) with 10-14k miles on them and they were asking 27k for em. I understand it's their right to sell them for whatever they want, just as I have my right to elect not to buy at that price, but it seems odd to me that they will sell the new ones for MSRP to people off the list, and then get these in and not offer them to the people at the top of the list who have been waiting for a long time (although I wouldn't want a used one when I was at the top of the list for a new one so maybe it does make more sense) and to put a huge premium on them. I guess that's just capitalism for ya. Just wanted to share my experience.
Yours is not a new experience, KettleDrum. There have been several people here who have seen similar practices. It simply boggles the mind. I can only imagine that their intent is to get those people who are tired of waiting to pay for the wait to be over. I'm not sure which is worse, that they think someone would be willing to, or that someone would actually do it. I'm not sure if that qualifies them as "questionable dealer" status, but you might want to add your experience to a thread about dealers to watch out for. Are there other dealers you can work with while on Butler's list? Someone in Carmel or Fishers, or even down to Bloomington or up to Lafayette. There's a CarMax up on the far-Northside isn't there? Don't they sell new Toyotas? An hour drive for a Prius at MSRP is a fair trade. I want to say that I've read previously that some of the outter lying areas have cars on the lots because there is not as much demand in "the sticks" as in the cities.
You might inquire with Ft Wayne, ive been seeing more Prii everyday up here...Ft Wayne Toyota, on the west side is very good and would work something with you without a hassle ...i know they just had a used prius with 2k miles on it and sold it near msrp...an older couple had it and couldnt contend with the "future" so they went to a conventional car...
Folks, be patient. Toyota has already started increasing production and delivery to the US. If they really expect to ship 100k this year that means that the backlog will disappear FAST and there will likely begin to be a surplus or at least much more routine availability. MSRP or less will become the norm and you'll have some negotiation leverage. Don't let these greedy A-holes rip you off.
If you're in Indy and want a Prius, check out Uebelhor & Sons in Jasper. It should only be a couple hours drive away. They sell at MSRP. Glenn
Oh Yeah! I forget about Uebelhor. Then again, that's understandable; Jasper was my high school's sworn enemy. Ah, those were the days when you could hate a collective group of people for reasons you didn't understand and everyone cheered you in their defeat.
wow....what a rip off... i dont think 100,000 is enough, but it should reduce waiting times a lot. plus, i think it will be easier to find a Prius if you are willing to contact multiple dealers. what ever you do, keep in mind that buying one of these overpriced cars will just encourage other dealers to do the same thing. i sincerely hope these guys get stuck with the cars and are forced to dump them at less than wholesale.
Thanks for the input on the dealers everyone. I hadn't ever thought of Carmax selling new Toyotas, but alas, from the Carmax website they only sell new ones in Balt,/DC, Chicago, and Milwaukee. We're not in any big hurry to get one, and honestly, financially we'd be better off if we waited until maybe early next year to get one anyway, but the calling I feel is so strong! I've printed out the whole list of Toyota dealers in Indiana from the Toyota website, but hadn't called anyone from further away yet, but will likely do that pretty soon now. I'm willing to drive to anywhere in the state to get one if need be so there's no issue there, but I've been shying away from looking out of state as I didn't really want to deal with the sales tax and titling issues etc. I have been talking with O'Brien Toyota on the East side of Indy, and things look more promising there than they did with Butler to begin with, anyway. We got on Butlers list with no deposit or anything, so we'll just stay there and if something comes up, great, if not, that's fine too.
well sounds like you need to get on a few lists at MSRP. doing so now will probably get you a car by next spring
In my opinion this is a perfectly acceptable behavior on the part of the dealership. I recently spoke to a representative at a local dealership who explained why their 4 2004 low package Prius's were a whopping $28k. He claimed they had been purchased at a high cost at auction and thus had to be sold for more because they indeed cost more to get. They wanted to be able to claim they were the only New England dealership with Prii on the lot. Anyone who is on a waiting list gets cars at MSRP as they come in.
Sounds to me that these Prii at 10-14K are used cars. My definition of a "questionable dealer" is one who takes the cars he gets from his usual distribution quota and then adds a giant markup. The dealer that goes out of that distribution system to find cars to sell sounds more like a free market capitalist to me. He buys the cars at a premium and then sells them at a premium. He runs the risk of buying them at that premium and then not being able to sell them at a profit. Albeit that would be low risk in the current market, but risk nonetheless. To me, this is good business. So I'm with Starla 30. Indeed, it could be argued that this dealer is doing a service for those willing to pay extra by going out and finding them. He/she doesn't deserve to get put on any "questionable dealer" list. Now the dealer that takes one of his normal quota cars and makes a giant markup profit, I think that guy deserves to be put on a list so that this behavior would come back to bite them in the future.
sorry, that dont wash with me. there in no dealer out there doing it for nothing. they obviously felt they could do it for a little more... all dealers sell used cars for as much as they can get for them since the MSRP no longer applies.
I thought I read at work U.S. total Prius production was 10,000 cars for 2004. Toyota was upping production 50% or 5000 units for 2005. 15,000 cars will go quick. I had to wait 6 months for my car and I have already sold 3 more cars to people that new nothing about hybrids and they are now waiting in line (no i dont work car sales) and they have also been told 6 months. Silly part is I havent had my car but little over a month.
that is upping it 5000 A MONTH worldwide total US allotment is expected to be about 100,000 for the year
i couldnt remember if it was a month or a year production. i know our department gets 5 a month. so 10,000 a year sounded right, but now that i think about it 10,000 for U.S. a year is too low. i was incorrect. i have the email saved at work from toyota on what the exact numbers are (i save all prius notes but most of the time i am so busy i cant read them all)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kettledrum\";p=\"42689)</div> Kettledrum, call Bob Hecht at Dan Hecht Toyota in Effingham, IL. He has a short waiting list and he has already sold several new Prius to folks on the Priusonline.com website since I gave his name. I brought my Prius from him. They are honest, sell at MSRP, and are knowledgeable. And, best of all, you will get your car in about a month. I just spoke to him to see if he could get us all a better price on the extended warranty. He said the 2005 Prius are coming in. He seems to get a nice stream of them. Get on his short list! 1-800-342-1892. Tell him his happy, best Prius customer in St. Louis recommended you to him! We all wish that we lived closer to that dealership so that they could service our cars too..... darn it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(toolbox\";p=\"43083)</div> I have an adorable Silver #9-- with more and more rock "hits" on the front fender since I have been taking the Page Extension. I need a car mask/bra over practically the entire car to protect it from the rock hits. Drat! (And also to protect the car from my "repair" work with the dratted touch-up paint brush.) I am going to buy a "paint pen" from Dan Hecht Toyota. I asked him a while back if they could get them (Toyota dealerships have them in Canada) and Bob Hecht said that their parts dept. does, indeed, now have them. Paint pens are like ballpoint pens-- only they have paint on one side and CLEAR COAT (cool!) on the other side to protect the paint. They are, obviously, more precise than the touch-up paint brush (especially in my hands......) Enjoy your wonderful car!
:wink: And by the way, Toolbox. We all want to know why you-- with so few "posts" have so many POINTS. What's up with the "points" anyway, Danny? Danny must like you. That's all there is to it! :lol:
cool beans... i have a silver level 9 and work in earth city but live in illinois. the rock chips!! who you telling i wish i would have opted for the toyo guard paint sealant at least to protect me from the flying debris down 270 or yea a bra. i am usually stuck on 270 in 5 pm rush hour traffic in stealth mode with the window down rocking to the point. lol i still dont have a clue about points... i swear i dont cyber