Is this considered an impeachable offense? I mean the guy is a Oil Robber Baron afterall now he's been doing this behind our backs for eight years?!? Wonder why we didn't hear about this more often in the Main Stream Media? Wildkow
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 2 2007, 07:46 AM) [snapback]433835[/snapback]</div> The bushs" home in Crawford Texas is what every greeny would wish for. I have read one aticle of this astounding home,something the Dim-o-crats and the greenies ignore.Did anybody ever notice all those gas lamps in Gores driveway?This man is an idiot when it comes to saving the world from greenhouse gasses.HE'S A HYPROCRIT from word go.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ May 2 2007, 04:46 AM) [snapback]433835[/snapback]</div> The cited article is a typical, incoherent, internet rant by a private person, who has as much right to rant as anyone, but her words carry no more weight than the next ranter. And less than some, because she is incoherent. And FWIW I am not a supporter of Gore. I never voted for him when he ran for VP and I didn't vote for him when he ran for Prez. And I'm not likely to ever vote for him. I agree with everything bad you are likely to say about him. But the pissing contest over who is the worst offender against the environment is pointless. And his hypocrisy in his personal life does not diminish the truth of the information in the movie he narrated. Let's keep the two things separated: Global warming is one issue. Gore's character is another. The two are not related. You cannot argue against the reality of GW or human technology's role in it, by criticising the character of the man hired to narrate a movie that documents it. Gore is a douchebag. Bush is a douchebag and a moron and a murderer and a draft dodger. Bush could live in a 100% renewable-energy house made of adobe and buffalo dung and it would not make a dent in the evil he has done with his illegal war and the tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children killed on account of it or the financial and moral boost he's given to al Qaeda by giving them a country to operate in. :angry: But we agree about Gore. We've always had a little bit of common ground, you and I.
Gee, Gore talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk... Bush just remains quiet and lets the greenies bash him for not supporting some of their causes in a timely manner. All the while he has a ranch in texas thats greener than most greenies homes... Yeah Impeach him......! B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ May 3 2007, 08:47 AM) [snapback]434765[/snapback]</div> Give him a medal for having a green ranch, if it really is green, and then impeach him for lying to Congress in order to get us into an illegal war that has cost trillions of dollars and tens or hundreds of thousands of American and innocent Iraqi lives.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ May 3 2007, 06:35 PM) [snapback]435055[/snapback]</div> I'm sorry but I couldn't resist...I'm not an advocator of the war effort, however, when Bush presented his case to the Congress they authorized him to go to war...this same Body, Congress (Yeah I know...that was a different Congress...not by much) who is now trying to say that Bush slanted the intelligence...The Congress was given the same intelligence that the president had in making his case. Oh BTW...have you notice that the new "Democratic" Congress can't get any bills past both houses so they have resorted to investigating everything that has happened in the last 6 years...oopps i meant exercising oversight authority over the executive branch... now that's governing..... Ok so the president and Congress made a bad decision...however telling people who are trying to kill you that if they just hang on and hide out till a certain date then we'll leave and you can do what ever the hell you want to do.... another thing...the President requested 100 billion for the continuing GWOT, however the Congress added 23 Billion for "other things" so they could get the votes....and they President, without line-item veto, has to accept or reject the whole thing. I think if it was me, I would have listed what I requested, and what the congress added and let us see how they operate...I wish my checkbook worked the same way. personally, I'm for stationing our troops on the border of the country and keeping the outside suicide bombers from coming in..(Most of the Suicide Bombers are coming in from outside of Iraq) and keep kicking the Iraqi's back into the pile until they tire of killing each other..... oh well back to lurking....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amtrak115 @ May 3 2007, 03:58 PM) [snapback]435081[/snapback]</div> Congress was presented with intelligence analysis and conclusions. Those were slanted to fit Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney's agenda. Only the President and certain members of his national security team have access to the raw intelligence data. Congress did not have the same information that Bush had when they authorized him to implement the United Nations Security Council's resolutions on Iraq.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius @ May 3 2007, 07:37 PM) [snapback]435098[/snapback]</div> The Intelligence subCommittee's of Congress was presented with the same intel as the President. Only Intell analyst see raw intell...the SecDef, VP and especially the President never ever see "Raw" un-annalyzed intelligence. Now do I believe Rumfield and Cheney and other under secretaries of Defence, specifically an un-named current head of the world bank, would manipulate the analyzed intel presented to the President and Congress...oh yeah...I believe that....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ May 3 2007, 08:47 AM) [snapback]434765[/snapback]</div> That was like saying WalMart is wonderful for giving $20million in aid to hurricane Katrina relief while they continued to rob tax payers and participate in socially irresponsible business practices here and overseas. "A greener building in which browner things occur doesn't do it for me" ~ David W. Orr Way to look at the big picture again. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amtrak115 @ May 3 2007, 04:50 PM) [snapback]435110[/snapback]</div> Wolfowitz and gang have been in that business for almos 40yrs now. You get good at it after so much practice.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amtrak115 @ May 3 2007, 04:50 PM) [snapback]435110[/snapback]</div> I beg to differ. No one in congress gets anything that even remotely resembles the Presidential Daily Briefing. This is what then Press Secretary Ari Fleischer had to say about it in the time leading up to the war in Iraq: You should definitely read what Paul Pilar, the CIA national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia from 2002 - 2005, had to say on the subject of the administration's misuse of intelligence in the time leading up to the war: [Excerpts]
I think it's interesting that so many of the things Michael Moore depicted in "Fahrenheit 911", which was ridiculed by the Bushies, are "suddenly" being found out to be accurate, or downright true. Lies are always exposed.
I just love how the Bush haters come out and spew such wrong information. Everything you read is not true...eveything you see on TV is not true...and there is no Santa. Think for yourself. Bush may not be a good president but don't execute him on false information. Besides...they way I figure it he deserves a pass after the last low life dress staining president whom should have been kicked out for his actions.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(km5er @ May 4 2007, 02:06 PM) [snapback]435664[/snapback]</div> There is a tremendous gulf between our world views when you feel that it's worse for a president to get a blowjob and lie about it, than for a president to fabricate intelligence information and lie to Congress and the public about it, in order to take us into an illegal war, with the wrong country, producing the highest national debt in the nation's history and killing so many thousands of brave American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians, all uselessly, leaving the country we invaded in a worst state of chaos and disruption than it was in under the dictator we deposed. I do not absolve Congress of blame, however, because the fabrication should have been patently obvious, and the decision to go to war could have been blocked by Congress. Bush is more to blame, for having initiated the process and fabricated evidence, but Congress shares in the blame for allowing itself to be led by the nose.
and I figured this thread was going to be about this. Seems like there shouldn't be a problem with this plate to me. Anyway, apologies if this has been posted before, I've been traveling and am in the process of selling the place here, so not much time for Priuschatting as much as I'd like. RAPID CITY -- Heather Moriah loves the personalized license plates on her silver Prius encouraging the impeachment of President George W. Bush. But somebody doesn’t agree. And that somebody complained to the state. Now, the South Dakota Division of Motor Vehicles is trying to recall the plates -- which read MPEACHW. And if Moriah doesn’t turn them in voluntarily, the state might send law-enforcement officers to pick them up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Beryl Octet @ May 4 2007, 04:42 PM) [snapback]435722[/snapback]</div> Very interesting. (I love the plate, BTW.) But FWIW, that site does not seem to work properly with Firefox. I had to use Safari to read the article.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ May 4 2007, 07:22 PM) [snapback]435714[/snapback]</div> The president did not lie and tell everyone else to lie. That is silly. The fact is that the intelligence stunk and they belived it. The system is what was broke, not the office of the president.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(km5er @ May 7 2007, 07:28 PM) [snapback]437259[/snapback]</div> Based on all the available information, including testimony from CIA agents, Bush was provided with good intelligence, but he demanded that the CIA alter it to suit his political aims. Bush lied to Congress. This does not absolve Congress, because they should have known. There was public information, such as from the arms inspectors, which put Bush's claims in serious doubt. So Congress deserves blame for kowtowing to Bush. But Bush is the one who initiated the process and who lied to Congress and to the American people.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(km5er @ May 7 2007, 10:28 PM) [snapback]437259[/snapback]</div> What planet are you from?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ May 7 2007, 07:52 PM) [snapback]437276[/snapback]</div> I was going to guess Florida or some other southern state.