I bought a 2007 Toyota Prius last Saturday and when I test drove it, the voice navigation worked fine. By Sunday, a horrible feedback sound was coming out of the speakers every time the nav voice came on. It went in for service and as soon as I got it back, the noise reappeared after the first time I hooked up my blackberry to the bluetooth device. After that, even if I a) wasn't making phone calls or B) the blackberry wasn't even in the car, the noise continues. I've had to turn the voice off. Toyota thinks it has to be the phone. Has anyone else experienced this? In case it makes a difference, I've got the blackberry 8700c with the "new AT&T" service.
You hear this feedback on a phone call or anytime the Nav voice comes on? What about any other sounds?
I have a 2007 Prius and a Blackberry 8700C running v4.1.0.377 (Platform After the first week of usage it seems to work fine for me.