Back in April, I ordered a Prius/package 7 at Stewart Toyota of North Palm Beach (with a $1000 deposit). I was then number 48 on their waiting list; for the past 2 weeks, I've be trying to get an update ... finally, after many unreturned calls, I got this update: I am now 44 on the list . So I won't buy any car there. Can anobody recommend a Prius-friendly dealer not too far from the Palm Beaches? Thanks, Bernard
i work for a branch of S.E.T. toyota and heard a couple dealers down in south florida did have cars on the lot for sale but how much over sticking i do not know (hope the hurrincanes didnt get them ). i will try to get more info on monday. getting a prius without waiting is hard to do. i would hit the phone book and shop around at all the dealerships. all florida dealers are under the S.E.T umbrella. when i picked up my car after a 6 month wait, two came in. the guy ordered the other car cancled and instead of going down the waiting list to the next person the car was sold outright for about 3k over sticker. sad but thats the game now and cant fault the dealers for wanting to make cash. guys correct me if i am wrong but... i think dealerships are allowed xx amount of cars per month what they do is sell all cars for this month, next month, and so for and thats how the list begins. there are no rules and some nasty stuff happens with people in line cancle (selling it outright, someone else squeezing in). dont think of it as numbers but ask the dealership when am i scheduled for delivery. they should be able to tell you a month and should be able to deliver in a time frame.