I'll have to be out of town and leave my car (04 Prius) for about 4 weeks in the garage. Is there anything anyone thinks I should do as a precaution, other than to lock the doors!? :lol: Brian
there will be a parasitic drain on the 12 battery unhook it per your owners manual... all new cars have parasitic drains on the battery clocks,radio stations ect ect are stored. if you have a security system it will drain the battery before you get back but disconnecting the battery will also offer protection from theft by time a thief finds your 12v you should be back unless they really know a prius : ) add fuel stab to the tank..i dont like month old gas myself check tire pressure..i dont like my tires sitting on the sidewalls and if you park outside (eww) get a car cover and a couple armed guards other than that it should start like a champ when you return
I heard remove the dome light fuse do the job.... and if equipped with SS/SE switch off the main switch
Thanks for the suggestions. Maybe I'll run it till it's close to E on the gas, so there won't be much gas left (maybe 1 bar).