Scenario: My Moto V600 was paired with the car and the connection was successful, as it always is, in my Prius. I was taking some stuff to work so when I got out to get stuff out of the car, -- Phone in Pocket -- Car in Park -- Brake On -- Car still on -- I opened the trunk to remove the stuff and take it in the office. The Phone was still in my pocket and I heard the tada sound that means that the phone no longer has a bluetooth connection. Upon re-entering the Prius, The phone would no re-connect. I had no Bluetooth connection. I could no re-establish the connection on the phone because it said connection not available. So I had to Turn the car off and then back on again to get it to recognize the bluetooth connection once more. Will this always happen if I exit the Prius with phone in pocket? Is there a way to get the car to re-recognize the phone when it is still on or is a restart always required. Sounds like a Windows platform. Any ideas????
There are definately some connection quirks. My Ericsson T610 connects just fine, every time, IF I have it turned on BEFORE I start the Prius. If I forget and turn it on after the Prius is on I get partial function sometimes, but more often than not it's not full function or none at all. I have not tried using the reconnect yet, but that might work.
Okay, I tried to duplicate the problem after reading the bluetooth part of the manual. I left the car on and of course, in park, after getting the"Bluetooth connection successful message" and the phone lost the connection at about 10 feet away from the car. I then waited about 30 seconds. Walked back to the car and got in. The Phone re-connected with the car after about 10 seconds or something like that. So weird. I wonder why it disconnected earlier and wouldn't reconnect. So I found this passage in the manual that specifically tells about the phone losing power or the bluetooth connection being lost, it says that you can re-connect with the car on. You click on Info > Telephone > Settings > Select Phone and then just reselect the phone in the list. If that doesn't work, we know that a restart of the Prius or the phone will do the trick. Restarting the phone is the first thing I did earlier in the day when it disconnected and wouldn't reconnect and it worked after the restart. :roll: :roll:
Since Im the last few handred AT&T WS with TDMA customer they ask met switch to GSM.... So I was planning to get but V600 but they are discontinued.. So did anyone know what a heck happed to V600 at AT&T WS? They replaced with V505 and Motorola doesnt have infor :roll: Is any good?