Today, in Ladue, Missouri I saw a new, white Prius. But it was not like any I had ever seen before: on the drivers side, passenger door-- in rather large black type was the word PRIUS. Then underneath it, it said "Hybrid gas electric car." (I think that's the wording.) It really looked sharp. I only could see the driver's side as the car was making a left turn into the roadway. Hence, I do not know if that wording is on both sides of the car..... I have never seen that printing on any 2004 Prius in this area. Did the owner put it on him/her/self? Or do the 2005's come with that wording on the door? It was fairly large print as I could read it clearly from a distance. Any comments?
Lucyjeanne, to the best of my knowledge, the only change between 2004 and 2005 is Smart Start/Smart Entry is now called Smart Key System All graphic differences are owner modifications. Check that part of the forums, one of the PC members has made decals. You might find that those are what you saw.
I have a 2005 and the manual still says "smart entry and start system". The only change I know of is the option packaging and standard rear window wiper.
I've seen '04 Prii with similar writing on them; often, it's done by local government agencies that have bought a Prius under a mandate, or legislation, that instructs them to buy hybrids (either for a specific purpose, or for general environment/economy reasons.) I think the name has only been changed in the marketing literature for '05 (and probably only in the U.S.) And I agree with them -- "Smart Key" says it all.
That was put on by the owner from a set of decals sold by one of PriusChat's own...PJDemmit who sells them. Look at my personal gallery to see my decals. I modified them a bit as I don't like the "Gas Electric" part. PJ will gladly sell you a set for $15--I think that's the price.
Just received my set of decals from Paul and installed on both sides on lower rear doors and above my license plate on the rear this morning. They really look sharp! I was at the post office today and ran into a young lady who had an 04. She was impressed with the decals and asked where they came from. I think Paul will be selling a ton of these soon. I sure don't know Toyota did not think of this, these things belong there.
Ok... When I read the first post, and a couple replies, I was intending to post something like, "What kind of idiot would screw up their Prius with stupid graphics?!?!?" So... uhhh... never mind...
NO they don't! I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but come on. I guess I'll just enjoy the SUBTLE beauty of my car as it is.
This is definately a "to each his/her own" issue. I'd never really wanted big blaring lettering. But I like the little bit of advertising/promotion of my Prius that the lettering adds. At the same time I did not want the larger "GasElectric Hybrid" thing across the back (the subtler " is ok for now", and I tried to trim mine down to look as OEM as possible. I think if you see my car the decals are so subtle most people who own a Prius probably wonder if they just hadn't noticed on their own car.
I have the graphics... have only put the one on the back... haven't figured out a way to put the ones on the rear doors and keep them straight... tough for a little fat boy