:cussing: Err! I have keyless entry, and the door locks cause me a lot of confusion. It's hard for me to tell if the door is locked, and if I go to test it, it unlocks automatically. Yes, I realize I sound mental, but this is my nature. Anyways, I am now getting this red blinking light. It looks like a car symbol with a black key symbol over it. It's on the dash and It's red. It blinks when the car is parked and the engine is off. I consulted the manual and I see no mention of this light. What is it, and how do I turn it off? Thanks in advance, Edmund
Please read owners manual.... It seems alike your Prius is equiped with SE/SS? So grab the door handle will unlock automtically Red light which you mension is for immobilizer (or Vehicle security system) so no need to worry.
SS/SE has nothing to do with it. i dont have it and i have the same blinking indicator. i guess it could mean that the immobilizer is on, but why would it be on when the fob is used to remotely unlock the door? i believe it is the car scanning for the fob. as you will notice the light only stops blinking when you insert fob into slot (this is without SS/SE of course)
The car I rented in July was a base model and it had the blinking key light. I don't believe it has anything to do with SS/SE. The one in my new BC blinks until I press the power button. I'm not sure why it is there at all, slowly draining the 12V I presume, unless it is sort of a "theft deterrent" sign. With the Smart Key system, you lock the car by pushing on 1 of the 3 black buttons (front doors and back hatch). The car will beep once and flash the lights once. It beeps twice when you unlock it by touching one of the sensors.
The blinking red light indicates that the immobiliser and/or alarm are active. It's basically a theft deterrent. Most cars do the same. If you have the alarm, the light comes on continuously if you manually deactivate the alarm, and also during the 30-second arming period after locking.
With the SS/SE system, after you press the lock button on the door, the system will let you can pull on the handle once to make sure the door is actually locked. However, if you pull a second time, or if you wait more than a few seconds, the door will unlock.
Neither of the rear passenger doors will unlock the car. If you must, use those to test whether the car is locked.
the blinking light in my car blinks all the time until i insert the fob into the car. therefore the only logical conclusion is that the blinking light is scanning for signals from the fob. that is most likely the reason why Toyota suggests disconnecting the 12 v battery if an extended period of idleness is expected. this prevents the scanner from draining the battery.
Rubbish! :lol: :lol: :lol: A light isnt scanning for anything. Its a warning that something is in a certain state :lol: As stated above, the light is indicating that the immobaliser is active, a part of the anti-thief system on nearly all cars these days. There is no scanning for a non SE fob. The fob is read when its placed into the fob slot (applies also to SE fobs when the battery is flat) and a connection is made via an transponder connection. I would have to read the tech manual for exact details.
Just to throw my $0.02 in -- the flashing red light is definitely indicating the immobilizer is working. The base Prius I rented last weekend had no SE/SS (or under it's new name, SK for Smart Key system), and I saw that light, and wondered "what de heck?" Read the manual; it's basically indicating "this car is immobilized". It switches off as soon as you insert the fob into the dash (for non-SK Prii), because... it is now no longer immobilized. I.e., your Prius wants to go Vroom! (Or, well, Whirrrr! )
Here is a way to test if the doors locked: put the FOB on top of the roof, pretty much in the center, and then try to open the door, it will not open, until you get the key back down in your pocket or hands. Ralph
ok victor!!! no need to get your briefs in a bunch over it. just seems strange to me that the light continues to blink even after the proper fob is detected and the door is unlocked and the driver is sitting in the car getting ready to push the start button... seems to me that the immobilizer should be taking a break by now is all im trying to say... if you KNOW for sure... cool... but its still my impression that the car scans for the fob making it nearly impossible for someone to lock their fob in the car by accident...
Yes I know for sure! We have had these systems for many years, mostly built into the molding of a standard key (no battery just like the non SE fob)