Date Ordered: 9/7/2004 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Boch Toyota Timeframe given for delivery: 30 Days Color: Driftwood Option Package: 9 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Not Disclosed I originally ordered from Acton Toyota but was told I was number 65 and to expect it to be 8-12 months. I called Boch and they said they were expecting their last shipment of 2004's at monthend and some of those were available so I placed an order at MSRP. DELIVERY TOMORROW!!
If you don't mind, what are you paying? At least in my crowd, the rumors are that Boch is demanding significant markups over MSRP.
$26317 tag ons included $86 for title (new plates) and $198 doc fee. They asked about coating, warrenty etc but didn't push to hard. Definitely a high volume feel to the place. You walk in the door a guy routes you and some woman tosses you a box of popcorn. Good thing I just wanted the car and wasn't looking for the experience.
Picked up the car!!!! Apparently they had also added the first aid kit etc accessories hence the $26317 price ($262 more than I was expecting-my fault if I'd asked they probably would have told me exactly what I was buying). I also spent an embaressing 10 minutes along side the road just down the street from the dealer when I couldn't figure out how to restart it after stopping to fiddle with the Nav system (wife was saying I told you to listen to the sales guy and the kids shouting is it broken is it broken etc etc)
You paid HOW MUCH?!?! for a first aid kit? I assume they would not take it out either. Just another sleazy dealer mark-up. IMHO. BUT... nobody held a gun to your head. Enjoy the car.
Let me correct that The first aid kid was just PART of the accessory package included the floormats, cargo net and a few other odds and ends. I just hadn't realized that was part of the price (although my wife's reaction was essentially like yours)
Probably not just the first aid kit, but the Z1 "Preferred Accessories" package - floor and cargo mats, first aid kit and cargo/convience net - MSRP $262. By itself, the first aid kit is $29. If that is all one wanted, you can do better at the local drug store. The price of the car, plus Z1 is exactly MSRP for a 2004 BC.
Just as an FYI for anyone else busy Prius-hunting... I've been pestering Boch today, and they definitely no longer have any unsold Priuses left from the shipment. *sigh*