Thought I would share my experience regarding elimination of the irrating beep associated with reverse and seat belts. Thanks to posts on this forum - I followed the instructions and it worked without a hitch, well... ok a couple of miscues but finally got rid of the beeps. I do notice that the seat belt does beep 4 times then stops, this is acceptable and even a good thing. Now does anybody know how to stop the flashing red seatbelt reminder? The only real problem I had was realizing that you have to hold the ODO to toggle between on and off modes. Salsa Red Basic
From what I understand, these aren't bulbs, but LED's. Given that, they're probably soldered straight to a PCB. As they all suggested, wear your seatbelt It'll probably kill you someday if you don't. -Rick
terkar - where on this web site did you find out how to stop the beeping? I am in the same boat, the beeping is driving me nuts. Please let me know!
I read on somebody's page, that to turn off the seat belt beep you follow the same procedure to turn off the reverse beep. BUT: instead of putting the car into gear then out of gear, you put your seatbelt on and then off. When I test drove the beeping was very annoying to me. I know I am in reverse and I know when I need to wear my seatbelt. If I am driving home and I stop by the mail box I don't wear my seatbelt the remaining 100 ft. to get to my parking spot. I don't want to have the car beeping at me the entire way.
Good point. There are times when I do not where my seat belt, as well (going from one end of a parking lot to the other, etc.). Sorry, terkar, I didn't mean to offend. Just being a smartass. Please don't take it personally. 8)
Based on data I gleened ages ago, I believe the how-to is posted both here and in several FAQ's linked from the 2004 Prius Yahoo Group (links section).
OK - I'm not offended, just athought one smart nice person quip deserved another! Re: Seatbelt use. I always use the gelt for trips but fail to see the need for pulling out of the driveway or especially backing out of a lot at a store. Very hard to turn around and make sure all is clear wisth the belt choking you. Her is what I used to eliminate the reverse and seat belt beeps. 1. Power on the car to IG-ON or Ready. 2. using the Trip/ODO button, set the trip/ODO display to ODO (Not trip A or B) 3. Power off the car. 4. Now power the car to READY (Brake on). This is required so that step 6 works correctly. 5. Within 6 seconds of powering on, press and hold the Trip/ODO button for 10 seconds or more. 6 While still holding the ODO button *after* the 10 seconds, shift the "gear" selector from P to R then back to P. Now release the ODO button. 7. If the last step was successful, "b on" or " b off" should be displayed in the location where ;the Trip odometer or Odometer is normally displayed "b on" is beep on "b off" is beep off. 8. Press Trip/ODO button to toggle the mode. 9. Now power the car off to exit the toggle mode. 10. Power the car on to READY and confirm the reverse beep status by shifting to R. The beep should not be audible if "b off" was selected. The driver seatbelt reminder chime can be disabled or enabled using similar steps. Instead of shifting from P to R to P in step 6, simply buckle then unbuckle the driver seatbelt while continuing to press the Trip/ODO button. This worked for me but took a couple of trys. The passenger belt doesn't beep so no need to do anything with it. 04 Salsa Red
Yep - that's the stuff I posted here: And subseuqnly here: Funny - there's two versions floating around. The original and more confusion version which was more direct from the initial Repair manual (here: ), then this revised version above, which I rewrote when Dave Hermance (Toyota Engineer) asked me for the instructions (ironic) so they could disable it in their demo drivers. I then posted it once to the YG - amazing how it floats around from FAQ to FAQ after that. My point? A quick search in either place will reveal the results.
HTMLSPINNR: So it was your post! - I wasn't sure who sent it but know it works. Yes, I printed yours after getting another one which was a bit confusing (at least for me) Thanks again. Wish I could have just referred HFFL to your link, would have saved a bit of typing.
You know, for a car with a really big computer display on it, Toyota did an INCREDIBLY (insert bad word here!) job of the user inteface for setting things like beepers, which doors unlock with SE/SS, etc.
Thanks terkar, I appreciate you showing me how to disable the beeping. Also, thanks to htmlspinnr for making the original post. I am going to disable it tomorrow during my lunch break!
htmlspinnr - I tried to disable the reverse beeping today. It didnt work. I tried at least 10 times. Can you help answer a few questions? 1. Do I need to put the emergency brake on? Or just keep my foot pushed on the floor brake? 2. When I turn the vehicle on, do I push the ODO button right away or wait for the screen to switch off the default "Prius" screen? In other words, when does the 6 seconds start? 3. After 10 seconds is up, & I am still holding the ODO button down, do I need to push "P" or just shift to "R" then back to "P"? Thanks
htmlspinnr - I tried to disable the reverse beeping today. It didnt work. I tried at least 10 times. Can you help answer a few questions?[/quote] It took me a few tries to figure it out too before writing up the docs. The Repair Manual where I got my data was way more confusing. No - foot on the brake pedal should suffice. Try setting the parking brake, however, just to be sure. I dont' recall which way I did it, but I'm not sure it makes a difference. 6 seconds starts after the vehicle enters Ready (per VFD - spedo display). Don't worry about the LCD display which displays Prius, etc. You won't be looking there. So as soon as Ready stops flashing, you have 6 seconds to press and hold ODO. Shift to R, then back to P. Also - most importantly, make sure that you're in ODO mode before you start this. If you're in Trip A or Trip B, it won't work. hope this helps, -Rick
Thanks, Rick, for such clear and concise instructions. I pulled if off successfully, and am still surprized at myself And, I really do not miss the beeps at all :mrgreen: Does anyone know how to reset the "maint reqd" lite on the dash display? I had my 5k oilchange today and the tech didn't reset it, and I'd rather not drive back, especially if it is as easy as losing the beeping. Peace
Similar deal - ODO button. Press/Hold ODO, while powering on to IG-ON or Ready - wait for light to stop flashing. -Rick