I read somewhere here in a previous post that someone in AZ was going to try for AFV plates upon completing the EV button modification. AFV (Alternative Fuel Vehcile) plates allow drivers to go solo in the carpool lanes in the greater Phoenix metro area. They also only have to pay $4 or so per year in registration costs. Turns out I'm moving to the state in a couple of weeks, and have the EV button mod. Has anyone successfuly registered as an AFV with an EV button modified Prius? Was it easy to get recognized? What steps did it require and who did you talk to? Thanks for any info you can provide.
Can you ask a question with any more acronyms? :tongue: Sorry, I can't help you, but I wish that was available everywhere.
I would much rather Arizona support Hybrid vehicles. Given that EV mode only goes up to 34 MPH, I am not sure that is a good idea in HOV lanes. You would get lots of attention though. Switching to ICE in a HoV lane would be cheating... Robert
The premise of the original post I saw (here) wasn't that EV worked in the HOV lane, but simply that because it was equipped, it worked. It isn't much different though (and hence not much better) that trucks and SUV's w/ small propane tanks which also qualify for AFV plates. Chances are, the propane isn't used much, and I guarantee the Prius drives cleaner than they do. As for acronyms, I counted 2 and one abbreviation (state). Would be nice if AZ supported hybrids in general like other states including CA are doing.
the idea of a 10 lb bottle of propane makes a vehicle a AFV is about as dumb as the bag the hammers came in. On a V10 Excursion when he/she fills the tank the fuel displaced air in the tank pollutes more on one fill up than a Prius in a year. I'm not green but this is BS.
I will be moving to AZ in January and would like to know if the EV enabled Prius can qualify for AFV plates. I am buying my Prius in Hawaii then shipping it over to California. I will no doubt enjoy the drive over to AZ as we can only drive in circles here in Hawaii. The cool thing about the Prius I ordered in Hawaii is that is is actually made in Japan. I got Package #9 but they mod it here in hawaii by removing the NAV system and Bluetooth functionality, not to sure why. But they also adjust the price accordingly as well, which is nice. I will probably end up installing an aftermarket NAV system as I have lived in Hawaii my whole life and don't know where any thing is on "The Mainland". First thing when I get to AZ I am going to get the window's tinted with Huper Obtik film. BTW I was looking at the law on tinting, does anyone know if tinting the front widshield is legal?
Aftermarket NAV is possible, but don't expect to easily get a Toyota unit in there - that's all done at the factory. Our Prii are made in Japan too - there was only one plant for '04. As for tinting the windshield, I believe most, if not all states only allow the upper strip.
htmlspinnr- Seeing as you will be in AZ soon, can you let us know (me anyway) what the deal is on the AFV plates. What will you be doing in AZ anyway?
Moving to AZ for family reasons (better for my wife's health). Finally landed a job, so I'll be moving on out there. If I can get a hold of the guy who's supposedly done this, I'll see if I can get info on the plates. If I find out anything, I'll post it here.
I registered my car in AZ today - asked the inspector, and he said no dice. Registering was a breeze, though I missed the VLF offset we get in CA, was $360something to register there. I also asked about whether or not AZ was going to consider hybrids in the HOV lanes in general, and he made a remark about how AZ's losing lots of money as it is on their AFV program with it's existing "usage", so it's unlikely they'd extend it to hybrids w/ the registration discount :-/