My pick for Best Picture this year is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and I would encourage everyone to at least rent this movie, if not buy it. Jim Carrey & Kate Winslet are absolutely phenominal in yet another awesome Charlie Kaufman script. It's a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and connect with characters like you never have before. There will be nominations at least for: Best Picture Best Screenplay Best Actor Best Actress I would suggest this movie to anyone, and suggest that you pick it up tomorrow if you want to get a movie that will be a keeper. The lowest price I've seen is $19.99 (which is the sale price) so it's kinda high compared to the normal $15.99 release-week special, but it's definitely worth it. Feel free to agree/disagree with me. Link to it at Amazon: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I'd put it as one of the 2-3 best films I've seen this year -- so far. Main thing it impressed me with: how the director and writer manage to create a very romantic (often melancholy) film out of some of the most unromantic materials/situations imaginable. And hey: Jim Carrey can act! Whodda thunk it?
Re: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" out Tu Thanks for the recommendation. It's also available on NetFlix.
I've known that since I saw him in a drama called "Doing Time on (Maple?) Drive," in which he played an alcoholic son in a dysfunctional family. Seems to me, most good comedians (Robin Williams, Tom Hanks..who started in sitcoms, etc.) can also do drama well, though the opposite isn't often true. I can't stand some of Jim Carrey's films --the pet detective one, "Dumb and Dumber", "The Cable Guy"--where he's a bit too over the top, but I really like his comedy/drama turns.
Re: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" out Tu Yes I agree, best movie of the year... But it's insignificant next to the power of the Force. If you have $45, you must buy the truly best DVD out there.
I just watched Eternal Sunshine. And while I do not rate it as highly as some of the above posters, it was a very good movie. I do recommend it. And as long as we're recommending movies, Dogville is a very good one. It's done as a stage play on film, and it's 3 hours long, so you may want to watch it in more than one session, as I did. It is an extremely disturbing movie, with a very surprising ending, and worth watching. I would definitely not recommend it for children. It's much too honest for young minds.