I have some great memories of warm summer nights hangin with my high school friends piled into the back of a pickup or station wagon! sigh.....! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFAMbR1ReZY
One still exists within 1/2 hour of my house. I went and saw the latest "Poseidon" movie there a few months back...
I used to go to Shankweilers in Orefield, PA when I was a kid. I've been thinking of going back to Pennsy sometime just to relive my youth. Especially since there's no drive-ins left in NJ.
Drive-In Theater is a site which has a list of Drive-Ins, both still open and closed. There's been a discussion on going to the Drive-In with the Prius and whether the 12-volt battery is up to running the radio (for those which use FM for the sound) for an entire movie (or two) or should it be left in Ready and let the ICE run if necessary.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Proco @ Apr 25 2007, 11:57 AM) [snapback]429808[/snapback]</div> The drive-in movie was invented in NJ, you know! The first drive-in opened in Camden, NJ in 1933. I'm pretty sure it isn't there anymore. When I was in high school, I went with a couple of buddies to see a movie at a drive-in in NJ. They charged per person, not per car, so we decided to sneak one of us in the trunk. My friend Larry was driving, and he had a Porsche 914 (the little rear-engined Porsche with a VW engine). Looking back, I can't explain why we were skipping out of paying for one movie ticket when my friend could afford to own a Porsche, but hey, we were just crazy kids. I was thin when I was in high school, as was Larry, so of course we picked our friend "Chumbly", who was rather rotund, to squeeze into the trunk (which is quite small in a Porsche 914).
Ahh the Rimar drive-in in Orlando Fl.... We used to all meet there and drink and hang out & have sex with the girls that would meet us there in the back row.... I used to drive a emerald green 65' caddilac ambulance! heres a picture of a white one, They always wanted to use the back area for having sex.. :angry: It seems I was the only one who had something close to a van with privacy curtains :mellow: we would tap the mecanicale siren when the picture would start to roll.. The car attracted a lot of attention where ever it was parked.... B) I had the car for 2yrs, then some guy offered me 5k for it...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(aaf709 @ Apr 25 2007, 11:06 AM) [snapback]429823[/snapback]</div> I'd love to read the consensus on this. There's a drive-in not far from me that will be reopening this summer and I hope to go at least a few times. Don't want to kill the car doing it, though!
There will be a drive-in every Friday and Saturday night in may in Staten Island, NY. http://www.downtownsi.com/drive_in_2007.html The drive-in isn't dead, it's just resting.
For some reason, my stupid parents took me and my little brother (ages 8 and 5, respectively) to see "Barbarella" at the drive-in. We both started screaming and crying when the little dolls with the teeth started biting Barbarella, and we left. My brother doesn't remember any of it (I do), but I'm sure it damaged both our psyches...is it too late to press charges, do you think? :blink:
I regularly (1-2 times per months) visit the Glendale 9 in Glendale, AZ. Largest originally built drive-in (not considering theaters that have expanded after initial build-out). $6 per adult and each screening is a double-feature. Tuesdays is $3.75 per adult (12+). And, while I'm not sure they care or not, if we don't like the second movie, we often move to a different screen (usually preplanned for timing) to catch one we do want to see. There's usually up to 8 other choices ;-) For the best experience, we'll usually plan it so that we see a kid-friendly movie first and then the grown-up movie second. The 2nd movies have usually been there a few weeks, or are films they don't expect to make as much from. On weeknights, we flip the seats down and have the kids go to sleep during the second movie. It's a great way for us to catch a more grown up movie while not keeping the kids up way too late on a school night. I leave the car on (Ready) to spare the 12v battery any untimely death and to run the A/C during the summer months. When heat/AC aren't on, the ICE might cycle every 20-30 minutes. With the A/C on, it's much more often. The practice kills MPG though. To enjoy the movie, we just turn off the car's screen, move the rear-view mirror up and out of the way, and put a towel or blanket on the dash to cover the flashing seatbelt and spedo display. FM sound is mediocre at best, and some projectors are over-zoomed (crop the movie noticeably), but for the money (kids still free until next year), it's a great way to catch current movies.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Proco @ Apr 25 2007, 11:57 AM) [snapback]429808[/snapback]</div> There actually is a drive-in in NJ -- opened a couple years ago, I think -- called the Delsea. Haven't been there yet, though. We usually go to the Warwick. If you ever check it out, let us know how it went!
Drive-in to Return to OC California-Costa Mesa "COSTA MESA - Throw your buddies in the trunk and break out the Milk Duds – the drive-in movie theater, not seen in Orange County for a decade, is coming back." "The Star-Vu Drive-In, conceived by four entrepreneurs with a soft spot for outdoor movie-going, is set to open in May at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa." http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/homep...cle_1633424.php
The house I grew up in was right behind a Drive-in, separated by a small stretch of land that would flood with the rains for make shift rafts and when dry would serve for underground forts that were always on the verge of collapsing. We use to "sneak" in to play in the playground with chain swings, seesaws, and the tilted diamond plate spinning metal platform we'd run next to and jump on getting all sandy and chewed on the the hungry Florida mosquitoes that had survived the DDT fogging truck. We'd watch the movie with no sound from my backyard sometimes. My parents would take my brother and I there and I would fall asleep in the back seat of my Dad's 57 Chevy wagon. I would be sure to ask to be woken up at the "good parts" (any action), but I was always down for the count. Once when the previews came on I remember being in the back seat with my brother and when he recognized what they were screamed "FORBIDDEN PLANET!" in my Dad's ear which upset my Dad so much he said we wouldn't go see it. Of course when it came we did. I remember years later hearing the manager of the Drive-in who lived down the street from us was killed in an auto accident. About six years ago I was back to sell my parents house after they died and stopped in and reminisced with his widow about us kids and the Drive-in. The property was never developed which I like because when I Google Earth my old address I can still see the triangular shape of the theater and the square chain link area of the deserted playground and almost hear the squeaking from the chain swings.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Apr 25 2007, 11:54 AM) [snapback]429804[/snapback]</div> You actually watched a movie at a drive-in? Watched it, as in paid attention to the movie? I'm very confused; I didn't know anyone actually watched the movie at drive-ins. B) Tom
Would like to reopen Marci's topic in previous post: For drive-in movies, is the IG-ON sufficient for running the sound thru FM radio for the entire show period without causing an untimely demise of the 12V battery (if AC off) or must we stay in READY mode?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(HBO6 @ Aug 6 2007, 02:05 PM) [snapback]491497[/snapback]</div> People have been able to use the radio (with the MFD turned off) in ACC to have sound for the movie. The problem is that the radio will turn off after an hour and have to be turned on again.
we have one here in Phoenix, I love going to movies there! Much better than movies in the theater, unless of course its summer, then I stick to the inside theaters!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(aaf709 @ Aug 6 2007, 02:24 PM) [snapback]491504[/snapback]</div> Not too acceptable. Would the radio turn off in IG-ON mode? I thought I read a post in some other forum that mentioned the FM radio could run almost indefinitely in IG-ON, but again, any effect on the 12V battery? Just trying to determine the best way to enjoy a drive-in movie in a Prius.
The last time I went to a Drive-In was as a freshman in college. I drove a 1963 Cadillac sedan de ville and was "elected" to drive by some of the choir members. We all piled in and went to a drive in near my house and saw "Play Misty for me". Of course during the really scary knife attack the boys in the back had to yell and grab us in the front to make us scream. My fondest memories are going to the Drive In near the beach area as a child. My parents had a statio wagon and we'd put blankets in the back and watch laying down. Of course we'd fall asleep after the first feature and my parents would have some peace and quiet for the second. I remember we saw Beach Blanket Bingo and the Nutty Professor at that Drive In. We had friends that lived up the hill and they could see the screen from the back yard. Of course, with no sound it wasn't much fun. But I always thought it was so cool to be able to watch the Drive In from your back yard. These were the days when you had to hang a really heavy metal box from your window. The sound was always tinny and the cold air always came in the crack in the window. I've never been to a Drive In where you use your car radio.