<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(just_marci @ Apr 25 2007, 05:31 AM) [snapback]429677[/snapback]</div> Marci, being a dip hurts all of our feelings - and that's damaging....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bb513 @ Apr 25 2007, 09:41 AM) [snapback]429684[/snapback]</div> You could only run down the 12Volt if you didn't hit power. No matter what you do you have to hit the power button. I wish I had my manual, but I thought that I remember that it said that hitting the power button automatically engages park. So there should be no way of turning it off without it being in park, no matter if you hit the park button or the power button put it in park for you.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Highly ImPriused @ Apr 25 2007, 11:02 AM) [snapback]429817[/snapback]</div> Oh man, don't get the parking brake nazis going...a whole new discussion far more critical to life as we know it even above and beyond the park button vs power button debate!! :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(John in LB @ Apr 25 2007, 12:00 PM) [snapback]429880[/snapback]</div> Then I guess I should keep the story of nearly beheading a friend when I forgot to put it in park to myself, huh?
My "PARK" button is as clean as it was when I took delivery. About the only time I use the "PARK" button is when I park on a significant incline when I also use the parking brake. Not being in the 'habit,' I have to be doubly sure to relase the parking brake before I drive away. In my 2004 Prius I bought 'slightly used' (4,000 miles) the "PARK" button printing was almost completely worn off... SIGH... Seems we all have different opinions and habits. I've never considered the "PARK" button and Parking Brake major considerations.
I'm not a nazi about it (and thanks Evan for finally bringing Hitler into this debate ), but I would extend my same reasoning about "Park" to the parking brake: It's a good habit to have, even if it's not always damaging if you forget about it. Except that in the case of the parking brake, you can do more damage to your car and others if something goes wrong. For example, you just hit "power," and expect that to immobilize your car, but you didn't hit "park" or the parking brake, and moments later you realize you didn't push "power" all the way in, but it's too late because your car is in "D" and it's already rolled into traffic. It's a backup to common stupidity, which we all have in common at one moment or another. That scenario is not likely, but even less likely if you take the extra moment to put on the brake. Compound that with this scenario though: You're used to flat terrain, and you parallel park on a hill one day and don't use the parking brake, since you've conditioned yourself to automatically not use the parking brake and the thought just doesn't enter your head. Someone else backs into a space ahead of you, and bumps your bumper (because they don't have a backup camera, obviously), and your car not only gets external damage, but also internal damage, and then it rolls down the hill and runs over some kids at the park. Now you don't want to kill children, do you? I didn't think so. So use the parking brake Honestly though, the park pawl is relatively flimsy, so think of the parking brake as a way to protect your car from damage.
Wow, that's way over the top for me. But as always, to each their own. I know when to apply the parking brake on a steep or even moderate hill. I'm fairly certain that in nearly 20 years of driving, I have never forgotten to do so on a steep hill. I also turn the wheels in toward the curb when facing down hill and away from the curb when facing up hill - basic stuff we all learned in driver's ed. However, what I have done in error a number of times is forget to take the parking brake off before starting up again (usually if I have it applied for some reason on relatively flat terrain), causing it to loosen up over time and need adjustment. That for me is a much bigger issue, especially since its possible to drive for a while this way and not realize it if the brake hasn't been applied too forcefully. This of course will cause you to take a major mpg hit as well.
All the more reason to get in the habit. Then you will habitually release the parking brake before attempting to move the car, resulting in even LESS likelihood of damage to your car! I'm even to the point that when I get in my Camry, I make the foot motion to release the parking brake EVERY time, and am always surprised that it's not there
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(prius1969 @ Apr 23 2007, 10:00 PM) [snapback]428762[/snapback]</div> Yep. And that procedure is covered in the owner's manual, too.
Best reason, I think, to use the parking brake is 'cause the parking pawl is electrically engaged and disengaged in the Prius...which means that, if you park on a hill and don't set the brake, and the car drifts against the pawl, the actuator might not have enough power to disengage it, and you'll be stuck in Park. Not likely, but possible.
In every other car I've had, which almost all were manual and even the one that wasn't had the parking brake in the middle, I always used to use the parking brake. But since I always am parking on flat ground, I've never used it in my Prius. If I ever find myself driving back to San Francisco, I will use it there...