Need opinions: Independent Toyota hybrid specialist?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by trance, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Trance, Listen to Bill. He speaks the truth eloquently. Maybe you need to hire Bill.

    How much does a Toyota scan tool cost? Is this a tool that is generally bought by the dealer to be used by all the mechanics? I am getting the sense that perhaps this venture is undercapitalized.

    I like useful gimme's. Magnets for the 'fridge are useful. Victory Auto Repair (shameless plug for the guy who services my Intrigue) gave out keychains in the shape of a "1" stamped with the name, address & telephone number. He also advertized on the placards affixed to the shopping carts at the grocery store.

    Loyalty can go far but I have the luxury of lots of vacation time and a second car. I can afford to take time off for service on his schedule and if something happens to one of the cars I don't need it fixed immediately. Many though will need the mechanic on their schedule. Early hours are good so one can get the car done before work and late hours are good so one can get the car done after work. Weekend hours are good as they don't interfere with work.

    Yes, establish and run the business professionally but start small, like a hobby. Don't overextend yourself. I don't think any of us are intending to rain on your parade but everyone needs a good, solid reality check. And that's what we are here for. Much success with whatever decision you make.
  2. trance

    trance New Member

    Nov 17, 2006
    It's looking like the scope of the business will end up only being 3-4 jobs per week. I don't know if I will be able to do much more than that with the full-time job and other obligations that are going to come up. So it's looking more and more like this will be not much more than the typical tech takes on as side work on a busy week.

    I'm still going to work on the flyers, possibly a web site too. Maybe when my life isn't as hectic as it is now and I'm settled in one place, I can devote more to making this into bigger. But for now it's just going to have to be an informal, hobby-style situation.

    Thank you so much for the advice, everyone. Especially those of you with experience with small businesses, sharing your knowledge has been so very helpful. It has helped me to determine that bringing this to anything more than a sideline just is not feasible in the current situation with the current plans in my life. I am just not ready for the time/financial/energy commitment it takes to get into a small business... but can still handle the side job racket ;)
  3. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    For several years I was doing independent consulting, mostly
    networking and security stuff. Eventually the "personal overhead"
    of doing the finances got too burdensome, especially around April,
    and I was too proud to dump it all on an accountant because dammit,
    I thought, I *should* be able to read the pubs and understand what
    I need to about the tax code. Hah. I wound up going back into
    salaried industry just so someone *else* would deal with all that.
    That's all moot now since I'm, uh, "independent" again but trying to
    do something automotive/hybrid/energy related intead, not that that's
    being particularly successful yet...
  4. Skwyre7

    Skwyre7 What's the catch?

    Apr 19, 2006
    Richmond, Virginia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I too would go to a independent shop. I (and my wife) are currently going to the dealer because I haven't found a good independent shop yet. We've been to a couple a few years back, but after one particularly expensive/incorrect diagnosis, we haven't been back.

    My parents are looking at getting a used Prius. They asked me about service. I told them they could go to their independent guy they've been going to for 20+ years for most everything. If he could do the hybrid part of things too, they would be sold. Rather that used Prius would be sold. :lol:
  5. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Trance, here's another idea. Perhaps you could join in with an established indy shop to just do their hybrid work or to draw hybrid owners to their shop.
  6. RobH

    RobH Senior Member

    Sep 18, 2006
    Sunnyvale, California
    2006 Prius
    I'd love to have the option of going to anyone except the dealer. Several salesmen at the local dealerships totally turned me off. They knew less about the vehicle than I did, lied about several things they must have known about, and didn't really care if I bought a car from them or not. The "golden boy" service writers have always rubbed me the wrong way.

    So you don't have to be very good to beat out the dealer in my book. About the only thing that dealers have done better for me than independents is that the work usually gets done the same day. Independents get stuck on parts availability and competing jobs.

    Dealers are supposed to provide top notch service. Well, it may happen if they've got a top tech who is assigned to your job. My car came from the dealership with 32 psi tires on the left, and 29 psi on the right. Apparently the left/right split made more sense to the tech than a front/back split. Is this the guy who does oil changes? Not on my car.

    The only reason I go to a dealership is for access to the scan tool. You could probably build a serious business based solely on having that tool. If you could diagnose service codes on the spot, instead of having to leave a car all day at the dealership, that is worth money. Leave the car all day at the dealership for free warranty work, or pay $30 on the spot for pulling the codes? I'd pay the $30, and maybe even the repair instead of a dealer hassle.

    A service of changing all the optional parameters would be useful. Advertise what things can be changed, like the back up beeper, seat belt warning, door lock options, burglar alarm activation, keyfob programming. Even though some of these can be done by anyone who reads their owner manual, most people would rather pay a minor charge than dig it out.
  7. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(RobH @ May 1 2007, 04:18 PM) [snapback]433488[/snapback]</div>
    I don't know who preps the car. Probably the Lot Boy. I don't know what Toyota pays for the service but I'd say Toyota is definitely ripped off sometimes.
  8. NortTexSalv04Prius

    NortTexSalv04Prius Active Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    2004 Prius
    I am seeking a good indepent tech in N Texas. I am considering one ASE garage close to my address.
  9. donalmilligan089

    May 16, 2008
    virginia usa
    2006 Prius
    I was rebuilding a 2005 and needed you badly. I did find a private mechanic that deals only with the gen 2. Contact "autobeyours "and I think Steve , a really nice fellow could give you some helpful advice. Our local deareship in Bristol Va know far less than the average "Prius Chat " reader.
  10. don_chuwish

    don_chuwish Well Seasoned Member

    May 1, 2009
    Southern Oregon
    2007 Prius
    I like the idea. A well respected independent Honda shop in town was started by the dealer's lead mechanic. He was well known and trusted, so clients went with him when he left the dealer.

    One suggestion, move the philosophy to the top of the flyer. That's the best bit in the whole thing. Maybe even make the flyer a little less specific overall, but with a link to a website for more info on services and rates. The website can just be a blog, which is free and has all the layout done for you.

    I know you don't want to do them, but think twice about basics like oil, air filter, cabin air filter, etc. It builds clients and gets you in front of a car that may need more work. We all complain about going in for an oil change and coming out with $800 in repairs, but it's not always a crazy upsell. What if you were doing an oil change for a friend and noticed that their 4 year old 12V battery was on the verge of death? You'd be remiss not to let them know and it can mean additional labor revenue, parts across your books, cash flow.

    Lastly, +1 on JimN's idea in post #25. It would be a low risk way to get more notoriety as "The Hybrid Guy" in town.

    Just my 2 bits.

    - D
  11. BAllanJ

    BAllanJ Active Member

    Dec 9, 2008
    Kingston Ontario
    2017 Prius
    After I'm out of warranty, which won't be for a while, I'm going to try the garage at one of the local taxi companies. They've been using priuses for a few years and probably drive them out of warranty in a year, so they must have trained a mechanic by now.
  12. prius4ed

    prius4ed Member

    May 13, 2008
    Irvine, CA
    2004 Prius
    I need an Independent Prius guru to work on my car next week - can you contact me anonymously ASAP?

    Can you (independent Prius Guru) e-mail me (anonymously, of course) at [email protected]? I need my 04 Prius scanned. It won't start or go into D or R. It was in a front end accident, and I replaced the inverter, fenders, hood, radiator, brake reservoir, invertor thermos and pump, and bled all systems and the brakes. Both airbags (steering wheel, passr dash) and both seatbelts deployed - haven't replaced them yet. I charged the aux battery, and tried jump starting it. The "ready" light comes on for 5 seconds, then goes out. It shifts into P and N, but not D or R. When you try to shift it into D or R, warning mssg comes on "automatic park error" or something. The warning lights are on: check engine, brake, ABS, skid, and airbag. The red exclamation triangle and the red battery symbols are also lit on the Info Display. I need it scanned, and to get it running. I heard it will run and drive with the airbags deployed (true?). I plan to replace them, but need time to shop around for them - need to drive the car before buying them. I fear the Dealer will either gouge me, or refuse to work on the car.
  13. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    I would look into the PHEV end of things too. The Engineer DIY KIT is pretty cool but even though it says anyone can do it most people are afraid to mess with stuff like that. I believe it will be big biz if the economy ever turns around.
    Because when the economy starts back up again fuel price will skyrocket.
    But the way its looking it could be a while. I wish you were around here I'd have you throw in my block heater.
    There you go..... block heater installations on Prius. I bet there's alot out there. Stock the part. Once they see your competent
    they'll bring the car back for more.
    Got to get them in the door under any pretense.
    Good idea though. Just don't go crazy buying stuff.
    Good Luck.