Think Harry will visit to see for himself?
Usually we wait until after the turn of events and the flip flop before we say "Harry, you were against the war the whole time." and Harry says.. "No I wasn't, I was for it the whole time." And we say "No you weren't." And he says "Yes, I was" and then a ton of idiots vote him in again... This is funny, this marine called him out on it even now. Sweet...
The email may or may not be authentic. But you might want to research Pat Dollard before you quote something from his blog (which was reprinted in the NY Post, which doesn't do much fact-checking, but apparently nowhere else). Dollard is a coke-fiend and meth user, and a maker of porn movies. When he was in Iraq, he got drunk and ripped a sign off of a mosque which caused a gunfight, and with a couple of Marines held up a pharmacy there and stole various drugs. Apparently, he was liberal until several years ago- then he was arrested and taken in handcuffs to a psych ward at an L.A. hospital. According to Evan Wright, writing about Dollard in Vanity Fair, "Somewhere between the Roman orgy and the mental ward he became a staunch supporter of George W. Bush's." I'm not saying that the email is fabricated- I'm just saying, consider the source.