Just got my new 2007 Prius with Nav and love everything about it except the audio system. I want to keep all of the existing functionality intact (beeps, GPS audio, touchscreen integration, etc), and I want something as plug-and-play as possible, which I think leaves my options at just adding/replacing speakers. I'd like to add a powered subwoofer first and then see if I still need to upgrade the stock speakers. I could probably do it myself but just don't have the time and would like to find a good installer -- preferably MECP certified -- in the Seattle area (east side). Can anyone recommend somebody, or should I just head to one of the big chains like Circuit City / Best Buy and hope for the best? Thanks, Alan
Well, I ended up letting my impatience get the better of me. I have a roadtrip to Portland on Tuesday and wanted to see if I could get something installed before then. I went up to Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood, talked to some folks at Circuit City, and left unimpressed. Then I went to the Best Buy and found a couple of guys who were actually pretty helpful. I ended up getting scheduled for 10am tomorrow to have an Infinity Basslink 200w 10" powered sub and Visteon HDZ300 HD-Radio kit installed. The HDZ300 tuner will go into the center console and plug into the AUX input and I think the display will go on the dash under the factory radio. Total price with installation and materials will be $750 plus tax, which is a little more than I wanted to pay but I think it will be well worth it. I'll write back with my impressions after it's done.
I assume you checked with CarToys and Magnolia? Both of them have shops in Bellevue and claim to offer installation. Fry's does free installs too, though I have no idea how good any of them are.
Thanks, I should have checked with them too. Normally I over-research my purchases but in this case I just wanted to get it done in time for my roadtrip... and I reminded myself why I normally do over-research my purchases because I didn't end up too happy. In fact, I'm planning on going back to Best Buy because I'm convinced that they wired something up wrong. I've ready lots of really good reviews of the Inifinity sub that I got, but to my ears it sounds like shite. And the fact that it is only barely usable when all of the controls are set to their full minimum levels makes me think that it is being overdriven somehow. Perhaps related to this -- I'm also confused/annoyed why they installed a speaker-to-line-level converter when the sub accepts speaker-level inputs. If they can fix whatever is wrong then I'll be OK but if what I have now is the best it's going to get then I'll be really disappointed.
Thought I'd follow up to my own post. I went back to Best Buy and they swapped out the sub and adjusted the hi-low converter. The speaker cone on the sub may or may not have been torn but the hi-low converter was definitely adjusted way too high. With it turned down the whole system now sounds 10x better. It could still be improved but it is definitely acceptable now and I finally enjoy listening to the system. And after disconnecting the front center mid, I may just keep the rest of the speakers the way they are.