You're not gonna believe this... A bird dropped an EGG on my Driftwood Pearl Prius!! I'm not kidding.... came to the car and saw this dried yellow glop and a little bit of white shell on the roof and hood... clearly it dropped from above... nobody threw this egg. Anyway, I removed as much debris as I could, but there are these blotches on the finish. Took it to a detail place... they tried to buff them out, but the blotches are still there... hard to see unless you're directly under lights... but I can see them and I want to get rid of them. Am I looking at a repainting here... or is there anything else I can do?
you could try a product called GT88 it's one of the better blemish polishes for this kind of thing. It's my first line of defence on scratches etc. Its available at most auto parts strores.
LOL Evan!! way to put him at ease... have you tried that polymer wax stuff that is supposed to cover small scratches. its basically a super fine grinding compound i think. after that, i would put a good wax job on it to help protect it as the polymer stuff basically strips a thin layer of paint off. i have had some success with that in the past. i dont know if you can touch up clear coat. although that would be the way to go. but if a detail shop cant do it, might be nothing that can be done. can you tell if its actually penetrated or not? if its just dried egg yolk or something, try rebuffing and see if it gets smaller.
my egg-speriment..... Thanks everybody for the advice. I'm gonna try a couple of things. I have some polishing compound which didn't do much at first... but I'll try it again with some more elbow grease. I've ordered some Fine Hand Polish from Griots Garage... will give that a shot. I think even if I can't eliminate the spots I'll be able to minimize them to the point where don't annoy me anymore. One more thing... Can you send me that Hebrew Kerry Poster? Way cool!
Believe it or not, what ended up working best... was TIME. After a couple of car washes, and just the passage of time, the stains on the roof have become far less visible. In fact, they are so hard to see right now, that I'll probably not use anything on them... because there's no need, and I'm more likely to make things worse than better. I did order the Griots hand polish... and the folks there were very helpful.But I'll keep the stuff on the shelf for now... Thanks to all for the many suggestions!
very interesting... I too had a similar experience. I had left some bird doo on my car for too long and when I washed it off the paint appeared bubbled, although you could only tell this if you knew where to look and the sun was at just the right angle. It drove me nuts because it was my fault. I waxed and cleaned and nothing helped. It has been four months and I just washed my car (more bird doo) and I can't even see the affected area anymore...