Looks like Arnold signed: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews.../9743229.htm?1c or http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/
Wth is that all about? Ok... so all us CA peeps need to be on the look out for the first information posted on how to get a permit. We need to sign up ASAP to get one of these. 75K will go fast.
In California bills without an urgency clause, which includes this one, take effect January 1st of the next year. This bill also requires that the federal government enable the act. A corresponding bill in the House of Representative is stalled in committee. The last statement from the Department of Transportation is that the Department will NOT support the bill.
They gotsa to let us have carpool. We deserve it. and its the reason I bought a Prius. We support it, Arnold Supports it. Its Golden. They already allow Motorcycles and electric cars in there. What’s the difference if hybrid gets in? If they are going to keep us out, then I want to see motorcycles, alt fuel vehicles, and electric cars lose their privileges. :guns: BYW, here is another story on this topic http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...MNG5R8UFPG1.DTL
"Schwarzenegger signed will close a loophole that allowed cars 30 years and older to avoid the state's stringent smog check tests." Something else stated in the 2nd news story. Why is this the first I've heard about this? I almost freaked out when I read that. I thought they where going to make me smog my 67 jag. :x But then if you read on it says this only effects cars built after 1975.. Witch is basically the law now.
I was hoping for the day when my '79 Triumph Spitfire wouldn't need to be smogged anymore, but it looks like now it will never come