Re: HOw long does it take for license plates to arrive in Ca It took mine about three weeks if I remember correctly.
3 weeks sounds right to me too. Speaking of 3 weeks, I should have my 2005 white BC Prius before 3 weeks go by. I just spoke to the salesperson at Toyota of the Desert (Cathedral City, CA) and he said it probably would be here by October 8th or 9th. Woo Hoo!
Re: HOw long does it take for license plates to arrive in Ca It's been 5 weeks for me, and I still haven't received my license plate. When I spoke to someone from DMV, they said that it could take up to 90 days, and not to contact them until after 90 days. Said that part of the delay could be in how long it takes the dealer to submit the paperwork, but didn't specify how long it would take once the dealer did so. pshady, since you picked up your car a week after I did from the same dealer, I guess we will just have to hurry up and wait.
Re: HOw long does it take for license plates to arrive in Ca I think that there's an incentive for the dealer to be as slow as possible. Those paper cards in the license plate frames are great advertising for him. I had my pink slip within a month, but the plates took almost 3 months. Of course, as soon as they arrived, I replaced them with my personalized plate that I kept from my old car.
Re: HOw long does it take for license plates to arrive in Ca Just got plates today (2 Oct). Picked up car on 8/28. So 4-5 weeks is in the ballpark. (These were standard plates, ymmv with custom)
Re: HOw long does it take for license plates to arrive in Ca I got mine on friday! reason I was worried was that my brother-in-law, who bought his car two weeks after mine, had already gotten his plates. Of course, he bought from out of state, so who knows.