I picked up the car 2 1/2 weeks ago. But my old car was still in the driveway and I[m not used to having 3 cars. So the following morning I put it in reverse and turned my head and "thump". Turned out to be $800 damage on the 2003 Subaru with scratches to 2 panels and a dent. Since I'm trying to sell it I had it fixed. But only $400 on the Prius. The plastic bumper was pushed in but it was easy to push out and there were about 8 scratches. For the first 72 hours I couldn't talk about it to anyone. It was horrible. I felt so much a jerk and it took some of the thrill out of ownership. But the car was so great I quickly got over that. Truly the best car I've ever owned. I love the way it's so peppy and smooth. No thuds as it changes gears. But I'm preaching to the choir here. But the real reason I'm writing this now is to tell you about what the auto body place said. I took the car to 3 places and picked these guys because they seemed like "real" people. What clinched it was the owner had a glass case on the wall with his old military uniform and some medals. It was a bit dusty so I knew it had been up there for years. I asked him about it and he said that it was part of who he was. He then changed the subject after a pause. There was clearly a story there, but I felt that I was intruding so I said nothing. But that's still not the reason for this post. Today my Prius was ready. But I couldn't get there in time to pick it up so I get it tomorrow. The owner then told me that one of the major parts of his business is making custom cars and custom intricate paint jobs. He's currently working on a hot rod hearse and was painting the casket. He said in all his years of making unique cars, he has never had as much interest in a car as he did with the Prius. He said everyone who dropped by was talking about it. He said that for a while there, the hood was open most of an entire day for people to look in. People were impressed by the room in it, though he assured me that he let no one sit in it. He also said he found it very weird when he backed up in it. I told him to feel free to take it for a drive. He said he couldn't due to insurance reasons. He also said that he couldn't understand why all cars didn't have what was in this one. He also thought the computer screen was the greatest. I've got tomorrow off. Maybe I can take him for a ride? Maybe Toyota will have another customer?
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car Wow, that's a tragic but great story. First of all, I know the feeling of doing something stupid (sorry) like backing into my own car and causing repair work. For me, it feels something like this: ukeright: But even that story has a happy ending. I think it's great that there was so much interest in your Prius. The guy sounds like a really good guy. I would welcome poeple to take a look at my car if they want. After all, one of the many reasons I bought the car was to generate interest in the technology. Sorry about the accident and thanks for the story
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car Wow. I feel for you. A few years ago my wife hit my car twice in one week. The garage was packed on my side with her stuff. My kids don't let her forget it. I don't mention it... well almost never.
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car Perhaps I missed it but I don't think you made public to others here who might be from your area... the full business name and/or phone number/e-mail address of your precious find. I think we should all broadcast the good guys and also warn about the bums. :|
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car So when she starts complaining about something, you dont say to her "remember that time when you drove into the car twice...." Strange person :lol: :wink: :lol:
That's a good Idea. There's another reason I picked this place for body work. It was recomended to me about 10 years earlier but I never had a chance to try them. But I didn't really know the guy that recomended them so I went there with an open mind. As for the location, it's a bit far from BC. It's Bucci's Auto Body 300 Mendon Rd Cumberland, RI 02864-6212 Phone: (401) 726-4530
wow man, i really feel for ya... i can remember when i discovered my first dent on my Prius. come to find out that my neighbor in my apartment complex (we have assigned parking) who is in her 80's hit my car turning while backing out. it just barely nicked my car but enough to put a shallow dent in the car about 3" by 1½". i went and got one of those "Pops-a-dent" kits and did a fairly good job of pulling the dent out. in fact, i tested it on people who hadnt seen it and it took them quite a while find anything. (in fact one identified a different spot) anyway... i know it was my neighbor since a few weeks ago, i was outside talking to another neighbor and watched her pull out and nick my car again. once again she barely nicked the car. in fact her car (which is new also) received no damage because that little rubber guard is all that hit my car. at least she was nice enough to hit my car in the same spot. and she never realized that she hit my car. we were standing outside and didnt hear a thing. both we both saw the dent after she left. anyway, to resolve the situation, i told her about it and as i expected, she denied it (she really is a very sweet old lady otherwise) but said she would watch out for my car in the future. to her defense, she is in the the tight corner space and cant turn out the other way. i offered to trade spaces with her, but she probably having never even jay-walked before in her life wasn't sure she should. so now i park as far to the other side of the parking space as i dare.
DaveinOlyWA Have you had your blood pressure checked? I know if I had my car parked in a high risk spot day in and day out, I'd need a medication adjustment. I hope her "care" continues.
well i must say that since i have talked to her (plus there was a few others that mentioned it to her) she hasnt really come within 4 feet of my car... but now i am concerned for the guy who is parked opposite her on the other side of the lot because now she backs straight out much farther than she needs to and im afraid she is gonna back into one of them instead.
That got a chuckle out of me. I can actually see it. But aside from the parking lot damage, I do hope she is overall safe on the roads. And if she is, then I say "go girl".... Keep on truckin!
well she does have a brand new car, in fact, its newer than mine and it doesnt have any dents on it. but of course, i dont know why she bought a new car. could be her old one was worn out but then again...
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car Give 'em time. They will. It's too new, it's too soon. That's all.
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car Thanks so much for posting the info on the body shop. I nearly cried when I saw what a bike rack did to my car before I even made the first payment (it now gets wrapped like a mummy). On Sat I got rear-ended -- slight damage but really want to fix it. And I work in Smithfield--so your shop is local. I'll tell them you sent me. Again, thanks.
Re: Scratched rear quarter on Prius 16 hours after I got car Dave Passenger front side door? In bright sunlight it is still there. Don't kill the messenger.
oh i have another?? actually its passenger side rear door... but hold on, i'll go check the other door.... ok...whew!! scared me there... but i had it fairly well popped but then it was hit again by same person i suspect.