It's been years since I've seen the design for a hurricane resistant house that I just now couldn't find on google anywhere. The top down view of the house was a big circle with a brick exterior and hurricane proof windows/doors. It had a flat top roof that doubled as a place you could go up and have a bbq. I don't think it would help to build this house where the storm surge would cover it over because that will pretty much wreck anything you build, but this house, because of the circular shape and no roof to blow off could take the higher winds without much trouble. The circular nature of the exterior made it so the wind has no corner or way to grab on to the house and blow it down. It's hard to put siding on a round structure so the exterior was all brick which also helped withstand the high winds. Inside, they just chopped it into rooms like you would any house. It seemed to make a lot of sense. I'm sure it cost a bit more to build in a circle than a rectangle, but if the thing can take a hurricane, then I think we're better to build like that than to build 4 or 5 rectangle houses with pitched roofs that are going to get destroyed with each hurricane. I don't live in hurricane country so I probably don't need one of those. I'm in Tornado land and will just live out the years hoping that no one gets hit by a tornado, and if anyone does, hope it's not me. On the off chance one does hit us and we have time to go hide somewhere, I built a bunker in the basement where we supposedly would be ok even if the whole house got sucked away. Bunker I think there's something to be said for spending some time and money to be a little prepared for the potential big disaster that could strike.
This would be a cool home, and you could have one of these babies parked in the driveway.. Or maybe one of these. Along with a Prius or a Hycam...