The new Chevy Volt concept that is supposed to debut...did it debut yet or not? I can't remember the date that the new concept was set to debut. Thanks for those that answer. B)
I think its supposed to be out April 22-28. I hope were not dissapointed.. I fear it will mostly just be a more realistic design, with little improvements in tech or powertrain. Fingers crossed tho!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 18 2007, 05:51 PM) [snapback]425668[/snapback]</div> I think they changed their mind figured they would crush em in a few yrs anway so save the time and money.
If by "debut" you mean they show a prototype, then it's meaningless. If by "debut" you mean they produce the car for sale, all GM says is "as soon as the right batteries exist." In other words, the Volt is all hot air. Showing a prototype means nothing, and they have not announced any date, or even any year, when they'll produce it.
I found some information on it, but it seems more will be out later tonight. It's a Hydrogen Powered Volt. Interesting.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 19 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]426248[/snapback]</div> It would be nice but as far as I know our infastructure is not set up for hydrogen refueling so we are talking many many moons from now. GM might as well get a long extension cord LOL LOL LOL LOL hahahahah such as:
oh great.. so they figured the battery IS around the corner so they decided to lengthen the delay by adding hydrogen?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Apr 19 2007, 05:11 PM) [snapback]426332[/snapback]</div> They're working on a redesign of the wheel; its shape is causing too much rolling resistance and is singularly responsible for the delay.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 19 2007, 01:13 PM) [snapback]426248[/snapback]</div> So as soon as the hydrogen refilling stations are built, anybody with about ten million dollars to spare will be able to drive one! <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Apr 19 2007, 02:50 PM) [snapback]426313[/snapback]</div> That's great! I love it. Of course, it's even better, knowing that in a month or so (knock on wood for the delivery time) I'll be doing 90% of my driving in a Zap Xebra. The Prius is Toyota's showcase vehicle for their cutting-edge technology. The Volt is GM's prototype of technology that's always too expensive to ever build more than one of. The Prius will keep getting better with each new major model revision, a new model every few years. The Volt will keep getting more advanced also... so that GM always has an excuse to never actually produce it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daniel @ Apr 19 2007, 03:24 PM) [snapback]426405[/snapback]</div> Nahhh! That's the Hywire you're thinking of. I believe the Volt is the new EV1... at least that is how it is shaping up. GREAT new technology that we want to bring out and show you how advanced we are! But...uh. We can't really. Sorry. More there. Plus, from what I hear.....hydrogen is closer then we might think. The Hydrogen model may be closer then the battery model!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 19 2007, 06:16 PM) [snapback]426495[/snapback]</div> What is it you hear? And from whom? You mean hydrogen as a transportation fuel, or Hydrogen propulsion for the Volt? There's no question that for a million or two, we can make Fuel Cell prototypes. Every car company has done it. But that doesn't help us much. This wouldn't surprise me one bit! If the H2 model comes out first, they'll have something that they can't possibly sell.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(darelldd @ Apr 19 2007, 10:41 PM) [snapback]426504[/snapback]</div> Why must you slam somebody? you think you are better because....well, I mean why? What exactly is the point? Please...don't give me that B.S. that "well because I owned GM 20 years ago." Lets look at things realistically here. We are on the CUSP of something HUGE. GM had the electric car years ago....Toyota broke the mold with hybrid vehicles with the Prius and are kicking nice person and taking names. Can't we all just see that, for the better of everybody, alternative fuels HAVE to work? Calling names, or talking s**t is just stupid. Grow up.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 18 2007, 07:51 PM) [snapback]425668[/snapback]</div> You're joking, right? Debut? Do you mean they're almost ready to debut the 1st rough draft of the blueprints? GM's already downplaying some far away debut with, "we gota find some batteries that'll do 30 miles first". As if we all don't remember that the EV1 had over a 100 mile range and that was years ago ... much less the 100+ mile batteries in the Ebox conversion that you can buy, right now. I bought my daughter a Chevy Cavalier that she's had for a couple years now ... and that chevy is one major POS. We ALL want GM to debut something new, but there are only so many hours in a day, and GM doesn't even realize that the Sun is touching the WESTERN horizon. Their heads are so far up their smelly dark place, that they don't even know that their day is almost over. Hurry up Lutz ! ! ! pull your head out!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 19 2007, 09:57 PM) [snapback]426510[/snapback]</div> Settle down there cowboy. Nobody called anyone any names. While Darell's perspective may not be shared by everyone it certainly is one of the best informed opinions you're ever going to get. You're free to be all giddy about the Volt and he's free to remain skeptical. Frankly I hope you're right, I think we are on the cusp of real PHEVs that will give good usable range and be very practical and affordable. I think it could be built today, but I suspect there are engineering challenges we're not fully aware of that may be helping delay the process from GM and elsewhere. I think an FC-PHEV is more practical than some are giving credit for as well though a pure FCV just isn't in the cards for a very long time.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 19 2007, 06:57 PM) [snapback]426510[/snapback]</div> I have no need or desire to slam anybody. And I sure don't think I'm better than anybody else. I do have a bit more knowledge in this area than the average driver - though I'm certainly far from an expert. The point? The point was to ask the very questions I asked. Apparently that came across as slaming you. Uh... OK. Fortunately, I have plenty of other BS in my arsenal. (???) That's pretty much what I'm trying to do. And I was inviting you to do the same. This is the very message that I spend untold, unpaid hours trying to get out. So apparently we're on the same page in this regard. I've re-read my post several times now, and can't find a single instance that could even be misconstrued as calling you a name OR talking crap. I don't have the time to waste on those endeavors, so you can safely assume that it won't happen from me. Settle down a bit and maybe we can start over. You are excited about the Volt. That is quite clear. Many of us are. The vehicle isn't anywhere near a "debut" as I define it, however, so I'm still not sure what all the talk about the coming out party (happening yesterday or today) is. The car has been shown at several auto shows. It is run (very slowly!) on battery power only. There's nothing of substance under the sexy skin. There are many expectations - but to achieve the range, mileage and performance specs (and price point!) several important components still need to be invented. So it is a wee bit premature to be talking about this vehicle as if it exists. It could have existed in some form 10, 20 years ago. It could exist today in a practical, very useful form (with more realistic mileage numbers). But for many business-related reasons, it is still many years away. I look forward to discussion of the vehicle, but I won't just sit in awe as GM breathlessly declares what it will be built - at some undisclosed time in the future. You'd be hard-pressed to find somebody more sure of the electric car future than I am. My issue with Fuel Cells is that ths technology of the (distant) future is diverting the lion's share of effort and financing from the technology that is viable TODAY. We're promised a rosy future for Fuel Cell cars while battery EVs are quietly swept under the rug like the ugly step child. The result is the status quo for the forseeable future - and that hurts all of us in the long run. The relevant part of the GM unveiling thread in regard to Hydrogen is this gem: “But before this technology can be made widely available, governments, energy suppliers and infrastructure companies around the world need to collaborate with GM and the auto industry to develop a market for fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen fuel.†This "market" will not be here in 2010. It will not be here in 2015. Or 2020. So even if GM manages to build this $25k Hydrogen PHEV... nobody will be lining up to buy it except for the few folks clustered around the H2 filling stations - and/or those wishing to consume 4x the energy needed to drive a battery car. OK, I'm starting to ramble.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Volty @ Apr 19 2007, 07:16 PM) [snapback]426495[/snapback]</div> If the Volt prototype actually works, why are a bunch of guys pushing it in the pictures? If it has an electric motor, they could drive it indoors without producing exhaust. Are they maybe showing the public an empty shell? If GM is "debuting" this car, where's the production date? What model year will be available for purchase? Here's the real question: GM says it cannot produce the Volt until a new kind of battery is invented. Why have they now added yet another not-yet-invented technology (affordable fuel cells) to the Volt??? It sure looks to the skeptics as though they're determined to "debut" a car they'll never have to build. And all the more so, because the technology to build a real EV or PHEV exists today but GM is not doing it. Note please that I am not calling anybody names. I am just asking why GM is showing a prototype of a car it cannot produce at a price it could actually sell, when it could produce a car lots of people would buy? Instead, it's leaving that to tiny start-up companies like Zap and Tesla and Venturi and Myers Motors and Tango.