Does anyone have a pinstripe on their Prius with a photo they can post? I went to get my windows tinted and saw their pinstripe special and I think I may add a black one to my Seaside. However, I can't think of a way to have the stripe end nicely at the front of the car, and the guys have never worked on a Prius so they don't know either. I don't want to be the guinea pig! Thanks, NIKKI
I saw one on the dealers TRAC car in Merritt Island, FL. It looked like the one depicted by GT except that it was half way between the door handles and the window sills. They had a double thin strip. It looked very nice. I plan on getting the same for my car whenever it arrives.
Thanks- That one looks better than the idea I had, actually. My idea was to start the stripe at the upper corner of the wee side window and have it follow close to the ridge under the windows, then on down to...wherever. I'll put a picture up when I get it done, if it looks good.
As an art student... I would have to say that I think adding a line like that would take away from the appeal of the car.
Almost every single mod I've seen proposed on this board makes the car look worse. I can only conclude that the Japanese have much better taste than the Americans (at least to European eyes ).
That isn't true of course - some of the accessories available on the Japanese Prius website are truly bizarre. But they have the restraint to not offer most of them to the rest of the world.
Well, I feel I have to do SOMETHING different and non-corny/expensive to my car because there's going to be a Prius Explosion in my 'hood soon and I don't want to walk up to someone else's Prius and try to get in it, as I have seen happen so many times with Jetta, Camry and Accord owners. Am I right?
Well, yes, but they also licked the door handles to tell them apart. ukeright: I have found the left rear window is a good size for a college logo cling (removable), and I never look out of that window anyway. It would fit the task you seek of ruling out duplicates (unless they went to your college).
Don't ask me to explain why, but I'm thinking about putting some plaid on my white '04. I need to play with some different ideas, but I can envision a Victorian plaid (deep burgundy and gold) band on the side. AKAAB
I have a salsa red #9, I had a pin stripe, in silver, put on it. It goes under the side windows. It curves up on the side back window toward the roof stopping where the back side door opens. Looks great. It isn't like the Tideland #9 picture at all.
If you want something neat, go for a carbon fiber hood that way... you can make the excuse of trying to make your car lighter for increased mpg
I had my car pinstriped yesterday. The stripes are bright red. The larger is about 1/8 inch and the smaller about 3/16 inches. I went to a local bodyshop and they referred me to an individual who works out of his car. The cost was $80. I have been told that the decal type of pinstriping tends to curl up after time and also traps car wax.
Yes, I just did it. Easy. Wash the car- and I followed the slight body line just above the door handle. Total cost $4. Total time 35 minutes. I like it. You can see the pics. You can search "Reba" in pictures for the after pics.