Police Crime Prevention Tip of the Week. MAKING YOUR CAR A HARDER TARGET!!! Ø Park in a high traffic and well lighted areas. Ø Close and lock all doors and windows, take keys with you (25% of cars stolen had the keys still in the ignition!!!). Ø Do not leave the original registration or title in your car. (Make a copy of the registration & leave in glove box) Ø Use anti-theft devices (lo-jack, data dots, the club). Ø Permanently mark your vehicle windows with your VIN number. Ø Never hide a spare key on or in your car. Ø Park in attended lots when able to do so. Ø Remove valet key (usually located in the owner’s manual) from the vehicle. Ø Register your car with your local police or sheriffs office C.A.T Decal program (Combat Auto Theft). Ø ALWAYS REMOVE ANY PERSONAL BELONGINGS FROM YOUR CAR (if going to the gym, put them in a secured locker) & (Never leave anything of value in plain sight).
Great Tips from someone who knows. Thanks. In my small home town, the largest crime spree still on record was when I was a kid: 7 cars stolen in as many nights. Not a single break-in or forced entry. The owners all admitted that the cars were unlocked and the keys were inside them all. The cargo area of the Prius is great for hiding stuff. It mentions at the gym and that's me exactly. I go straight from work to the gym, throw the computer bag in the back and pull the cover.
In addition to the Theft Deterrent signs, you could always add your own warning: [attachmentid=7496] [attachmentid=7497] [attachmentid=7498] [attachmentid=7499]
really it should be "making the car a more boring target" since most break-ins tend to be out of interest for something sitting out in the open. though someone did bust out the window of my old buick for no reason other than because we had an aftermarket head unit in the thing. the face plate wasn't in the car and the thief was disappointed i guess. nothing else was disturbed, we bought a new window, end of story. i was miffed that we were out the $50.