Just wondering about what other chatters think about GM's energy diversity plan. Do you think that they are serious? I dont know, but in a perfect world, i think it would be smart if we had many different sources of energy to power our automobiles. Biofuels are great, but there is not enough ariable land in the US to support massive demand for the fuels. So they might account for 20% of all of the transportation 'fuel'. there are similar challenges for other AFV technologies to overcome, so I guess energy diversity is a good idea. Just tying to get a discussion going here - C
Do ye have a link for us that describes this new plan? Diversity is a fabulous thing. In the future there will be a mix of things I'm sure. Gasoline is a wonder fuel in many ways and we've had it pretty easy for a long time. It'll take a while for a new paradigm to take hold in the public psyche.
Sorry for the wait! Here Rick Wagoner ( :angry: ) mentions various propulsion methods: rick wagoner on energy diversity - C