<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Apr 11 2007, 09:00 AM) [snapback]421408[/snapback]</div> We do agree here. And thank you for your well wishes for my son. Amazing story - the short of it is i diagnosed him with acute appendicitis and the surgeon had a CT scan done to confirm it - they found in addition to his early appendicitis a proximal jejunal intussusception! So instead of having minimally invasive surgery he ended up with a midline laparotomy. Thankfully he was in great shape going into surgery. he was capt of the varsity soccer and basketball teams this year and he has bounced back in unbelievable time - if it were me (and i would have preferred that although i lost my appendix 22 years ago and had a respiratory arrest post op!) i would still be in bed. again thank you for your well wishes - i truly appreciate them. one day we will enjoy a good glass of red wine together and find we have much more in common than not. be well my friend. david
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Walker1 @ Apr 11 2007, 10:08 AM) [snapback]421423[/snapback]</div> An answer to what?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Apr 11 2007, 08:50 AM) [snapback]421407[/snapback]</div> Glad that your son's surgery went well, and I hope he isn't in too much discomfort. And congrats on your other son's Bar Mitzvah. After you get your office and your taxes in order, you can focus on more important matters- like bantering with us on PriusChat. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Delta Flyer @ Apr 11 2007, 09:24 AM) [snapback]421416[/snapback]</div> You are absoultely correct. As long as people listen to him, buy Ann Coulter's books, etc. this garbage will always be around. Imus is a publicity-whore and everything revolves around ratings, and if people listen to his show, they're getting what they deserve.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 11:14 AM) [snapback]421443[/snapback]</div> Thank you too for your well wishes and humor. Have a nice day. In the end, we should all be friends - life is too short and too precious for anything else. David
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Apr 11 2007, 11:46 AM) [snapback]421456[/snapback]</div> Agreed! And what I like most about you, David, is that we can get into a heated discussion, because of course we are 180 degrees apart on most issues, and get almost to the point of throwing things at each other if we were in the same room, and in the end we can laugh about it. If I had a radio show (maybe they'll hire me to replace Imus?), I'd have you as a regular guest. :lol: Michael
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Apr 11 2007, 07:50 AM) [snapback]421407[/snapback]</div> Thank you thank you thank you. This is exactly how I feel. People demanding that he be fired is ridiculous. If they don't like him then they don't have to listen to him. Censorship is wrong. ps - Hope your boy gets well. I had my appendix removed just a few years ago. Laproscopic(sp) procedure.. I don't even have noticably visible scars from it.
I don't really care what happens with Imus, and I don't think that's the main issue here. I do believe that firing someone for making a racist remark on the airwaves is appropriate, although that's unlikely to happen in the case of Imus, who makes millions of dollars for the networks. I don't agree with those who say that Imus isn't really a bigot. His remarks were unmistakably racist and sexist. Comedians and actors might deliberately use those kinds of words for effect (Carroll O'Connor certainly wasn't a bigot, although he played one on TV). But anyone who offhand blurts out nonsense like that is obviously betraying their true sensibilities. I did not see him on Al Sharpton's program, so I can't comment on that, but Sharpton is a well-known publicity seeker. However, the black community is entirely justified in expressing their indignation. I also am skeptical that Imus is truly contrite, given his history of making similar remarks (I never listen to his programs, but Media Matters has documented Imus here and here for anyone who cares to review his bigoted track record). I suspect that he'll return from his suspension and resume spewing his vitriol on the air. But if I'm wrong about that, then good. And the real victims here were the women on the Rutgers team, who should be basking in glory over their impressive showing in the NCAA championship, and instead are at the center of this nonsense. If one of the women on my team was my daughter, I would be outraged- well, I'm outraged anyway. Imus has every right to express his opinions, as vile as they may be- although no one is obligated to pay him millions of dollars to do so. And if anything positive has come from this, its that people are talking about race- and to anyone who thinks that race is not an issue in 21st century America, take off your blindfold. Yes, even bigots have the right to express themselves. However, when people make hateful remarks directed toward others because of their race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or whatever- either you express your indignation and say, "no, it is NOT OK to say that", or you are complicit in your silence. That's my belief, anyway.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 12:23 PM) [snapback]421482[/snapback]</div> See, I don't agree with this, one could claim that this is a function of his on-air persona, and not his true character - I see little difference with your reference to Carroll O'Connor as an actor and Imus as a radio personality; I don't know either of them personally, only the facade they present in pursuit of their careers, so I can't claim they are or aren't "betraying their true sensibilities". I would actually agree with you if this was an off-air comment; then I would suspect some true racist behavior. Let me be clear about this: this was a racist remark, no doubt about it. I just think it was deliberately done to provoke a respone; he is a shock jock, this is their bread and butter. Pushing the limit is what makes them popular among less intelligent people.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ Apr 11 2007, 12:46 PM) [snapback]421504[/snapback]</div> You might be right, but my point is that someone on a talk show, who just blurts out remarks as they come to mind, is most likely speaking his true convictions. Probably, if you encountered Imus off the air, he would not make the kind of outrageous remarks that he does on his program. It is hard for me to believe, however, that in "real life" Imus could be a person who holds no racial prejudices. But I'll grant you that it might be all an act. Nevertheless, I don't think that is the salient point here anyway. We both agree that the comment was racist. And I also agree with your observation about the kind of people who find his shtick humorous.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 12:23 PM) [snapback]421482[/snapback]</div> And sorry, I disagree with this, also (I seem to be very disagreeable today ). I don't believe they are victims. I wish more people would keep in mind what Eleanor Roosevelt stated, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." (this may not be exact, I didn't go verify). They are only victims if they allow themselves to be. I know they're young (but not that young). I know they were just coming off a disappointing loss but should have been reveling in that they got as far as they did. I think the best thing they could have done would be to make one public statement that while they thought Imus's remark was racist and offensive, that one shock jock's inflammatory remark is meaningless in what they have achieved and have yet to achieve. And yes, I have a daughter. I talk to her all the time self-esteem; there's a reason it's termed "self"-esteem. I also agree with Evan and David (dbermanmd) in their recent posts (and I believe I just saw some pigs fly by my window, for surely the apocalypse is upon us); too many people who are interested only in their own self-promotion are calling for Imus's dismissal. I could care less whether anyone other than the Rutger's team think Imus's apology is sincere or enough; that's the girls' call, IMO. And David, I'm sorry to hear of your son's ordeal and glad his surgery went well. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 01:00 PM) [snapback]421516[/snapback]</div> Well, after finishing composing the second part of my reply, I feel that my statement about Imus being popular with "less intelligent" people was not fair. I don't know anyone who listens to Imus, so I can't prove this. I then thought about Howard Stern, king of the shock jocks; I know many intelligent people who enjoy listening to Stern. I don't understand this, but have concluded it's like humor: some people find certain types of humor entertaining, others don't. Stern doesn't offend me or shock me, I just find he and his show uninteresting. I'd like to retract that statement concerning the intelligence of his audience. I really don't have the right to judge them based solely on that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ Apr 11 2007, 01:10 PM) [snapback]421517[/snapback]</div> I'm in a frame of mind today to not be disagreeable. And I think that I could have used a better word than "victim" to describe the players on the basketball team. What I meant to say is that the injustice here was mainly directed toward them. It is unfortunate that their acheivement in the NCAA was marred by this. And if they are satisfied with the resolution of this incident, than so be it. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ZenCruiser @ Apr 11 2007, 01:10 PM) [snapback]421517[/snapback]</div> I think you were right the first time. I find much of what Howard Stern says to be offensive, but I can understand how people find his show funny. But after reading the numerous vile comments that Imus has made on the air, besides this latest incident, it is just like the crap that Ann Coulter, Ruch Limbaugh, and too many others spout these days. There is no humor, no irony- just meanness. And people who enjoy listening to someone blurt mean and hateful remarks are- well, perhaps "less intelligent" isn't the best description. But I have no problem being judgemental about them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 01:25 PM) [snapback]421529[/snapback]</div> You just haven't had as much coffee as I have yet :lol: . I totally agree, it's a shame it blemished (and therefore detracted from somewhat) their achievement. The sponsors of the show will ultimately decide what will happen with Imus after all is said and done (and that's already begun).
It's to bad the liberal group dos'nt go after the rappers.Am i missing something here?Well Imus is liberal and the libs got him.PC crap.By the way they are ladies,not girls.PC dontchaya know.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 01:25 PM) [snapback]421529[/snapback]</div> You just haven't had as much coffee as I have yet :lol: . I totally agree, it's a shame it blemished (and therefore detracted from somewhat) their achievement. The sponsors of the show will ultimately decide what will happen with Imus after all is said and done (and that's already begun).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 11:54 AM) [snapback]421462[/snapback]</div> I would be a regular listener and would be an honored guest - and I would allow you to use your First Amendment rights to their full extent. It is ok to disagree about things. It is not ok not to be friendly with someone because of differing points of view. I bet you are a real good friend. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(desynch @ Apr 11 2007, 12:10 PM) [snapback]421468[/snapback]</div> Thank you for your kind wishes too.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(charliem @ Apr 11 2007, 12:41 PM) [snapback]421541[/snapback]</div> It's a young team: 5 freshman, 2 sophmores, 3 juniors. "Girls" is still in order.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(charliem @ Apr 11 2007, 01:41 PM) [snapback]421541[/snapback]</div> Yes, you are. Have you not read or heard in the media about many organizations, prominent individuals, and some rappers themselves who have spoken out against violence and misogyny in rap music? And how does this excuse Imus' behavior? That was the argument my childen used when they were little and were disciplined for behavioral infractions ("hey, SHE did it too!") <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(charliem @ Apr 11 2007, 01:41 PM) [snapback]421541[/snapback]</div> What!!! Imus is a LIBERAL??? Can I have some of that stuff you're smoking? :lol: <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(charliem @ Apr 11 2007, 01:41 PM) [snapback]421541[/snapback]</div> Some of the posters here (myself excluded) are of advanced age, so compared to them, college-age females would be appropriately referred to as "girls" :lol: And most women I know don't really like the term "ladies"; however, since the team that won is the "Lady Vols", it must be acceptable in basketball. Hey ZenCruiser- I had another cup of coffee- now I'm disagreeable! :angry:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(charliem @ Apr 11 2007, 12:41 PM) [snapback]421541[/snapback]</div> Actually, these individuals may be *women* or they may be *girls*... ...but "ladies?" You're not being Politically Correct; you're not even correct, period. Being a lady, or a gentleman for that matter, takes conscious effort. It's not, I don't think, something into which we're born, based only upon the configuration of our genetalia.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(larkinmj @ Apr 11 2007, 02:07 PM) [snapback]421557[/snapback]</div> Actually he is liberal - Big time John Kerry supporter last election. That is also why all the liberal NY Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe columnists go on his show. It will be interesting to see what they do now...