Danny is going to fix the chat room area in the next few days -- but I am in the old one now, talking to myself. ;>
Hey - Mr. Kash! When I firsted started looking for information on the Prius I ran across your web page. Lots of info and I loved all the pictures. Very helpful. I don't have my Prius yet but I'm waiting. Are you still waiting or did your ship finally come in. Mark
Mark, I am still waiting for the car to come in. I will find out this week if my car is on this allocation. Dianne said Wednesday morning or afternoon. That will be a long day. Thanks for the kind words about the web page. I enjoy doing it. Jeff
If you look up in the "Who's Online" area on www.priuschat.com/forums/index.php at the bottom of that block you'll see "There are __ user(s) in the chatroom now [ Click to join chat ] " - that's the link to the chat room
Danny, I just tried clicking on the "Click to join" link and nothing seemed to happen. What am I missing? Mark
I have a Mac, and I use Safari as my browser. There's no chat room available in the who's online section.javascript:emoticon('')
Danny - Could we have a link to the chat room on THIS page? http://priuschat.com/forums/portal.php?sid...889c85cb43aef18 This is the page that is bookmarked and I go to first. I don't see a way to get to the chat room from there. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Yes, as soon as I finish with the new chatroom, which should be cross-platform enabled, I'll put a link to it in the header along with "Home Forum Index Profile" etc etc. That way no matter where you are on the site you are always one click away from the chat room.
Ok everyone - I did some work on the existing chatroom today - please give me some feedback on what you think. I looked alternatives to what we had originally but after looking at various other options, I decided none of them were good enough and that I would just modify the current chatroom even more. So here's what I've done so far: .: Changed the background of the chat to be the same background you type in when you post a message here in the forums. .: Changed the chat so the window is resizable and it can now go full screen. .: Where you used to see the word "Color" and next to it was that text field to insert a Hex color choice, I've made the word "Color" linked to a site that Dianne showed us the other night in the chat that has a ton of color options along with their Hex values. Just insert that Hex value into the box and that will be your text color .: Made the message input window longer - this way you can see what you're typing better than that puny one we had before .: (This one's specially for Di) Made the length of each message able to be up to 300 characters - that's 2x what it was before and should suit us all fine. .: Increased the "Away" time to 10 minutes of idle activity before you go "Away" and an hour before you get kicked out of the chat for inactivity. .: Messages will now stay on the chat for 12 hours, so if you come in late you can catch up with the prior conversation. Hopefully this will alleviate a lot of the issues people were having with the chat. The "bouncing" is the chat window refreshing itself every 10 seconds, so that really can't be helped too much. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions and I'll take a look to see what I can do. Jump in the chat tonight to test it out with your fellow PriusChatters! As always, thank you for using PriusChat! Danny
Danny, you need to delete this! That chatroom conversation should be gone when you go, and not available to anyone not in there. That's a break of privacy and protocol. Besodes, you should see some of the stuff Fusco and I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = Seriously, do not do that!
Ok, how about 10 minutes then? Is that still too much or too little? It was set at 5 minutes originally