So I fill out surveys and occasionally test stuff, and tonight it's: Didn't know I'd already joined the luxury crowd. Missed the orientation sessions... :mrgreen:
that had to come from somewhere in 'middle america'... around here people spend more than that on cars for their kids! (i'm ashamed to say)
I paid $24,353 for my pgk "AM" ('04#7) and I definitely consider it to be a luxury car. My last car was a Civic (I was poor back then) and before that a Jeep. And I can tell anyone who wants to listen: The Prius is a luxury car!
i agree with daniel. my Prius is by far the best car ive ever had. i had a datsun 280ZX turbo which was ok... but not worth the money when you get down to it, plus it was nowhere near as nice as the Prius. sure it was quick, had t-top... but was a 2½ seater... and had one of the most finickiest fuel injection systems ever.
In my opinion, a luxury car is about stunning beauty, uncompromised performance, first-class comfort, exhilerating power, outrageous creature comforts and of displaying your financial status. I wouldn't say that the Prius is a luxury car; however, I believe that the Prius is a revolutionary car. Revolutionary in that is helping to change how the world views basic transportation; Prius is showing the world's community(especially America's) that the environment must be respected and cared for. I find that undeniably more exhilerating and stunning than a V-8 or a 45-way power seat.
That makes the Prius a luxury car to me. Except the part about displaying financial status. It's hardly expensive enough for that.
my first car was 38K out the door, so I fell 2K under the Luxury mark. good thing too because here in CA, they tax you for it. PS, I would love to have a 45-way power seat. :mrgreen: That seat would have to be so nice. The 545i has a 18 way seat witch is the most comfortable seat I've ever sat in. The headrest adjusts 4 ways and has a pillow for your neck!
I must be Japanese-size. The seat fits me fine. I could do with a bit more lumbar support for trips longer than 2 or 3 hours, though.