Hello all, I am wondering if there's really a chance that a smaller dealership in this area can get me a Prius within 3 months or so? :? Several have told me they think that should be "no problem" even though they do have a few people waiting (but not many at the smaller dealerships). I just wonder if they receive as many cars as the larger dealers; I would think not? so a smaller waiting list might not necessarily mean a shorter wait, I'm guessing? I don't have a car at all right now and do need one by the end of summer for sure. I plan to keep the car for a long long time & am not excited about the Honda Civic Hybrid, which would be my next choice. I'm looking for a BC (#9) or AM (#7) package, any color, although my favorites are Silver and Tideland & I'm not sure I'd like the White or Black ones as much. If anyone has any knowledge to share about looking in this region I'd very much appreciate it! I can manage borrowing a car for now, but it would be really great if that didn't have to go on for too long... many thanks -- Lacy (in Winston-Salem, NC)
I think the best advice for locating a Prius is to go with numbers, meaning don't focus on a small or a large dealer but rather try to get your name on a number of lists if you can without making financial committments. A larger dealer typically gets more allocations but has a longer list while a smaller dealer gets fewer allocations but has a shorter list. Of course this advice is "do as I say, not as I do". Right now I have my name in at a medium sized dealer and at a small dealer here in NC. I've been on the list at the small dealer for ~2.5 months and am supposedly number one or two now, but no recent info. I don't think they got a Prius in the last allocation. I have a personal "hang-up" with the large dealers since they seem to mostly load up their cars with high margin options, particularly something called Toyoguard. This is a $600+ option for what I call "scotchguard and car wax". They will assure you it's much more than that, but I think it costs the dealer ~$159. so you can see why they like it. The smaller dealers don't seem to do this as much. You do have the right idea of accepting most any color and with a couple of different options. This will give you a better chance of getting a car, but luck and timing have a lot to do with success. Good luck, Carl
I have heard about that "undercoating" etc. & have seen it listed on some vehicles. I've also heard people say that the car already has all/any protection it needs built-in, & that this extra stuff doesn't add anything. I don't think I would choose to add it but I might accept a car with that on it right now, just because I need a car... Thanks for the good advice Carl -- I hope you will get your Prius soon! Lacy
If you're willing to travel, WV seems to get many more. I'm in NC, called about a jillion dealers, and there was one in WV that seemed to likely, and another in VA. Also, keep you eyes on the forums... the yahoo 2004-prius forum seems to have regular posts of available vehicles, and may allow you to find something sooner, esp if you're willing to travel a decent distance. And, of course, the more flexible you are with color and package, the sooner you'll find one. If you send me your email address (to [email protected]), I'll email you if any of the dealers call me. I've talked to NC and WV dealers.... Good luck! gko
I will post more info very soon but -- incredibly, I think I may be picking up a Prius tomorrow! Thank you so much, both of you, for your advice (& everyone else posting on this board) -- I have actually FOUND one available (& not marked-up). I put the deposit down, & they are setting up the financing for us to pick it up tomorrow. I certainly was not expecting this, as I only started looking around the end of Jan/first of Feb. Maybe this means there really is hope for people to get 2004's, for anyone who just keeps calling/emailing etc. until they find one. I will post more after I know it's for real... Lacy
Hi Tag & all -- I drove my Prius home yesterday, so it's official! I will post the details in a new topic so that if someone's still looking for a Prius they might check it out. Lacy
Thanks so much for the congrats -- this is really exciting (haven't slept too well the past few days)! It's a beautiful car. We drove it home, which was an hour & 1/2 trip, & it handles great & (I guess because it's been in the 50's here temperature-wise lately) we got great mileage. Although I will now have to read all the posts to find out how to keep track of that. We did not get any valet cards, that was the only thing on the checklist that we didn't get/wasn't taken care of. The dealer didn't know what those were (& neither did I but now I do). Everyone I've shown it to so far loves it. This one is a package #7, & I had wondered if I would miss the extras on the #9 -- but the standard sound system is pretty good. I don't REALLY need the NAV although I would probably get one if someone comes up with an aftermarket one. And this car came with the security system, was all pre-programmed too. So far everything is very straightforward, although of course it's pretty different from other cars & will take a little getting used to (which is a nice adventure)! I am looking forward to learning all about this wonderful car in the days to come (and to all the automakers jumping on the hybrid bandwagon, hopefully)! :mrgreen: