Got a great deal... Package 2 $21,500

Discussion in 'Dealers & Pricing' started by turbonick, Apr 2, 2007.

  1. turbonick

    turbonick New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    I was able to make it with seconds to spare! I got my Prius Saturday night at 11 PM. Thanks to everyone on the board Malibu Carl ect!!! I was looking for a touring package 2 but a local dealer here in Vegas really needed to get a few more Prius's sold before April 1. I resignd myself to the fact that I wouldn't get the full $1,500 tax credit and would have to wait to get the best deal, but this dealership made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Since I really wanted a touring, and since it was Saturday night I wasn't motivated to leave my house. The sticker on the car was $25,500. When they offerd it to me for $22,800 I told them, "That's not going to get me off my couch!" But when he hit me with $21,500 plus 3 years worth of oil changes free. I went down to the dealer. They did the deal and so far have given me everyhting they said so I'm happy so far. Plus the price and the tax credit aregreat bonuses. All that and I got 49.9 MPG driving home, and now I'm up to 52 MPG for the 52 miles I've owned the car!!

    Thanks again to everyone who helped. If anyone's looking for a great deal let me know and I'll reffer you to my guy at the dealership.
  2. malibucarl

    malibucarl Member

    Apr 26, 2005
    Malibu, Ca
    2007 Prius
    Hi Nick,

    GREAT price.

    I'll bet (LV) you'll love the car.

    On our #2 pkg cars I added the 6 cd in dash player. IT's a Toyota part, $590 or so plus about $60 labor.
    Also added the BT stiffening plate. Had it for 2 plus years on the 2005 and now on both 2007s. I THINK it makes an obvious difference. There are different opinions and many threads. $165 or so and easy install.

    Have fun !!

  3. coonbutt

    coonbutt New Member

    Mar 29, 2007
    :) I bought my Prius Saturday morning for the same reason (tax credit!)

    I got the package #2 also, with foor mats and the "vehicle guard package" (a wax job and rubberized sound proofing essentially) for $22,073. Invoice is $21,999 according to Edmunds, so you got a great deal! The lowest offer I got was $21,724, but that was for black, which I didn't want. Also got free oil changes for life, and put the whole thing on 0% for 2 years. I will make about $1,000 in interest in my online savings account using the 0% instead of just paying for the car outright. With the $1,600 tax credit, the Prius has never been cheaper than it was during the last few weeks.

    I am pretty close to your mileage too - I got 59.5 mpg commuting in today (no a/c), and 54.9 going home (a/c on). Be sure to check the tires - 42f/40r seems to be the consensus.
  4. turbonick

    turbonick New Member

    Mar 18, 2007
    Thanks for the input. I wasn't sure about buying a Prius, but the tax breaks and the discounts were too much to ignore. Turns out the car is super comfortable, very roomy, I'm up to 53.8 MPG now, and it's fun to check out what the engine and the battery is doing! I'm very surprised to actually like the car. I'm already planning some road trips. Can't wait to stretch it's legs.
  5. icesalmon

    icesalmon Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2007
    I thought I got a great deal, but wait until I see yours.
    I got one option A (no package) for $21,600 last Friday. Now I wish I had bargained harder.