Japan's `Mileage Maniacs' Hack Hybrids, Beat Toyota Engineers

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Areometer, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Areometer

    Areometer Silver Business Sponsor

    Oct 31, 2004
    Tyngsboro, MA
    2005 Prius
    > Japan's `Mileage Maniacs' Hack Hybrids, Beat Toyota Engineers
    > 2007-04-04 17:17 (New York)
    > By Terje Langeland
    > April 5 (Bloomberg) -- Toyota Motor Corp. says its Prius
    > gasoline-electric hybrid car gets about 55 miles to the gallon,
    > making it one of the most fuel-efficient cars on the road.
    > That's not good enough for Takashi Toya.
    > Toya, a 56-year-old manager for a tofu maker in central
    > Japan, puts special tires on his Prius, tapes plastic and
    > cardboard over the engine and blocks the grill with foam rubber.
    > He drives without shoes and hacks into his car's computer -- all
    > in the pursuit of maximum distance with minimum gasoline.
    > Toya is one of about 100 nenpimania, Japanese for ``mileage
    > maniacs,'' or hybrid owners who compete against each other to
    > squeeze as much as 115 miles per gallon out of their cars. In a
    > country where gasoline costs more than $4 a gallon, at least $1
    > more than the U.S. price, enthusiasts tweak their cars and hone
    > driving techniques to cut fuel bills and gain bragging rights.
    > ``My wife thinks I've joined some strange secret society,''
    > Toya said in January at a nenpimania gathering in Nagoya in
    > central Japan.
    > Mileage maniacs aren't alone in pushing the limits of
    > hybrid vehicles. As U.S. automakers General Motors Corp. and
    > Ford Motor Co. race to introduce their own models, first rolled
    > out by Japanese companies in 1997, engineers at Toyota and Honda
    > Motor Co. are trying to boost hybrid performance to maintain
    > their advantage.
    > ``With higher oil prices and tightening environmental
    > regulations, people will focus more on hybrid technology,'' said
    > Koji Endo, an auto analyst at Credit Suisse First Boston in
    > Tokyo.
    > Hybrid Power
    > Hybrids combine a conventional gasoline engine with an
    > electric motor. The motor powers the vehicle at low speeds, and
    > the gasoline engine kicks in as the car accelerates. The motor
    > uses the motion of the wheels to recharge the batteries.
    > Toya said he switched to a hybrid after years of driving
    > sports cars, trading muscle ``for the fun of maximum mileage.''
    > Nicknamed ``The Shogun,'' Toya said he drove 1,000 miles (1,600
    > kilometers) on a single 13-gallon (49-liter) tank 17 times last
    > year, an average of 79 mpg. At the advertised efficiency rate, a
    > driver would get 715 miles per tank.
    > Toya isn't the best, though. A woman from Akita prefecture,
    > nicknamed ``Teddy-Girl,'' is cited on mileage maniac Web sites
    > as getting almost 116 mpg. That's enough to drive from New York
    > to Wichita, Kansas -- 1,386 miles -- without refilling.
    > By comparison, a 2007 two-wheel drive Ford F-150 pickup
    > running at peak efficiency burns through five times as much
    > gasoline over the same distance.
    > Mileage Varies
    > While the nenpimania may take things to extremes, there is
    > a long history of car owners tinkering with their machines to
    > improve gas mileage.
    > ``The Gas Mileage Bible'' (Infinity Publishing, 2006)
    > promises to help drivers improve fuel efficiency by more than 30
    > percent. It is the latest in a line of books stretching back to
    > at least 1942, when an American author named Lee Richter
    > published a 64-page pamphlet on increasing tire and gas mileage
    > to help save resources for the U.S. war effort.
    > Since the 1997 release of the Prius, the first mass-market
    > hybrid, owners in Japan and elsewhere have fiddled with their
    > cars to raise mileage and shared tips, including the best
    > driving techniques, over the Internet. The mileage maniacs
    > strive to perfect what they call the ``pulse and glide'' driving
    > method.
    > On a chilly Saturday afternoon in Aichi prefecture, a short
    > drive from Toyota's world headquarters in Toyota City, Toya
    > removes his right shoe to demonstrate. Pulsing and gliding
    > demands sensitivity when pushing or releasing the accelerator,
    > so only his big toe touches the pedal.
    > Pulse and Glide
    > Toya accelerates, or pulses, to 29 mph, then glides down to
    > 25 mph before pulsing again. The car uses no fuel when gliding.
    > While driving, Toya monitors three pocket-sized electronic
    > gadgets designed by Yoshiyuki Mimura, a fellow hybrid
    > enthusiast. The dashboard devices use the car's computer to
    > display engine rotation speed, coolant temperature, accelerator
    > position, brake pressure and battery charge.
    > Japan imports almost all its crude oil, spending $98
    > billion last year. Toyota estimates that rising demand for fuel-
    > efficient cars will help boost worldwide sales of its hybrid
    > models to 430,000 this year, from 321,500 last year.
    > ``We listen to our customers' opinions and accept them as
    > materials for product development,'' Toyota spokeswoman Shiori
    > Hashimoto said in response to questions about the mileage
    > maniacs.
    > Toyota and other Japanese automakers are focusing on
    > improving hybrid batteries and making the vehicles cheaper, Endo
    > said. The cars now cost about 600,000 yen ($5,100) more than the
    > equivalent conventional vehicles.
    > Toyota plans to introduce a new Prius by 2009 that will be
    > smaller and cheaper, Endo said. The mileage maniacs say they
    > look forward to the challenge of improving its fuel efficiency.
    > ``The vehicle will be high-tech,'' enthusiast Mimura said.
    > ``I think it'll be more difficult to hack.''
    > --With reporting by Kae Inoue in Tokyo. Editor: Okeson
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    mmmm very good. In car crazy Japanese, this could be the new car culture. Besides being the DK, the next is being the best hypermiler. Soon, tuning the car won't be simply for maximum hp, it'll be for maximum fuel efficiency.
  3. Cris10

    Cris10 New Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    My mate told me about hypermilers 1 month ago. Without extreme measures, (extra techno gadgets, etc.) my last 3 tanks have given me 54, 50, and 53 mpg, up from 47-48. I am simply driving more mindfully, changing routes to avoid the highway, using an adaptation of "pulse and glide" which I call feathering, and driving like a nerd. ;) Just the idea of radically improving my mileage was inspirational.

    Feathering is like pulse with a modified glide. I pulse to just above (shhh) the legal speed and then lightly step on the throttle as long as my consumption stays up at 99.9. When the consumption drops I glide 'til it's up and then lightly throttle again. I'm exploring popping into neutral at stoplights to speed up switching to elec only. My goal is 60 mpg tankfuls. (Without driving others on the road crazy!)
  4. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cris10 @ Apr 6 2007, 01:16 AM) [snapback]418635[/snapback]</div>
    Whatever the ICE is doing when you pop into neutral will continue as long as it's in neutral. So if it's running when you shift, it will continue to run.

    But that aside, 60 MPG tanks are quite doable. Keep learning and practicing, and good luck!
  5. Earthling

    Earthling New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
    Somewhere, NY
    2007 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cris10 @ Apr 6 2007, 01:16 AM) [snapback]418635[/snapback]</div>
    On short trips, I turn off the climate control to enable stopping of the ICE.

    I turn the climate control back on when underway.

  6. Darken

    Darken Active Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    PA Dutch Country
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Earthling @ Apr 6 2007, 11:24 AM) [snapback]418770[/snapback]</div>
    Dumb question time. If I'm running just the fan with the vent open will the effect ICE at all? Or is it just when your running the AC?

  7. Cris10

    Cris10 New Member

    Jul 17, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JimboK @ Apr 6 2007, 06:26 AM) [snapback]418721[/snapback]</div>
    Yeah, Thanks for confirming what I thought I was noticing. I love my car! I love to drive, always have, and this just adds aan even more zen "presence" element of mindfulness.
  8. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cris10 @ Apr 6 2007, 04:54 PM) [snapback]419102[/snapback]</div>
    I have to agree when I can be compleatly in the present I get my best mpg. When I am distracted, worried and other wise elsewhere I can loose as much as 10mpg. It gets better with time, somtimes I find my foot just doing it while I listen to Jazz.