That would be really kicker .. .no more gasoline and flex fuels, just air. Peace in the middle east??? Air tax?
That was absolutely amazing. Compressed air using something like a planatary drive system. Only if this comes out in my life time!
It's a scam. And it pops up from time to time. Note the claim: The hybrid version uses a gasoline engine to compress the air that drives the air motor and according to their claim will allow you to drive from LA to NY on one tank of gasoline. In other words, the claim is that you get more energy by using the gas engine to run a compressor to fill the tank to run the air engine, than you'd get by using the gas engine to drive the car directly. They also claim you can fill those humungous, super-high-pressure on-board air tanks, for 200 km of range (about 125 miles) in 3 minutes at a service station.
scam .. really? Damn ... Well I found this on Wiki: and the official website: seems like allot of trouble for a hoax. At any rate it supposed to come out this year, I can wait a year to see the best hoax ever