Danny, I would like my money back for order number 1422 which I placed with your PC.com Shop on 8 June 2006, for which you have never supplied any goods. The amount of the goods was $414, to which you added $80 for freight to Australia, for a total of $494. It is clear to me that you have no intention of supplying the goods, and it appears you have no intention to respond to my eMails, and my request for a PayPal refund. Eight months is beyond a joke, so kindly do the right thing and refund my money. Bill Frost
Hi Bill - Nichole forwarded me your inquiries and she and I have been looking into what tracking options we have available to us for your package to AU. If we can't determine anything by tomorrow, I'd like to ship another set of items out to you, if that is ok with you. I'll also PM you so I can make sure you see this message. Danny
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny @ Feb 19 2007, 05:12 PM) [snapback]392910[/snapback]</div> I want my money refunded as well. Order number 2906.
Keep cool, priusFTW. Danny and Nichole are on their honeymoon. Start bugging him after 6 April 2007 if you must.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patrickindallas @ Mar 29 2007, 07:20 AM) [snapback]414073[/snapback]</div> Here here, what a concept! recieving merchendise and money.. I think its, very noble to offer to resend the goods on good faith, but not both. :huh: It is however a civil issue between the two parties involved, whos to say the OP didnt get the goods? or sometimes packages get lost in transit. I had one were the guy ordered $1000 dash part and before he got his package someone walked by and took it from the door step.... I would do a tracking search to see if the item was shipped. Was the item back ordered? And really our little snippets are just going to upset the OP who is trying to rectify his problem, I may not agree with the Public posting of the issue, however we must do what we feel is right at the time.. :mellow: Again I would wait till after 4/6/2007 when Danny is off of his Honey Moon... PS. Congrats Danny on the Marriage!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patrickindallas @ Mar 29 2007, 07:20 AM) [snapback]414073[/snapback]</div> I don't really know who that comment was aimed at. I never received any goods, but now I understand that Danny, I suppose the only store operator, is on vacation. I did not know that it would take this long when placing my order. I still would like my money refunded ,however as I have made other arrangements for this order. Thank you.
My scan guage arrived with the package box ripped open and the scan gauge box itself open with the contents spilling out. Luckily everything was still there. My situation was close to a disaster, and threads like this should signal that more options should be available in tracking and delivery of packages. Given my situation I would have preferred to pay extra for FedEx or UPS and didn't know he would be shipping usps. This is no way is a negative comment, just a live and learn thing that hopefully will improve the site for the community.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patrickindallas @ Mar 29 2007, 04:20 AM) [snapback]414073[/snapback]</div> The "I want my money back too" comment was not from the OP.
If anyone has been in small buis...you will have some problems. You will make mistakes, the customer will make mistakes...it will happen. The key is to not get mad...The consumer should keep track of when your order should arrive, and contact the buis. as soon, and as often as necessary. My dad, now deceased, small buis owner from way back, always said take care of the recalls/problems first. 6 months is a long time to wait on an order...e-mails should not be ignored...but, orders do get lost, and customers do make mistakes in ordering, orders do not get to the buis, mail is a problem, etc. Everyone should keep a cool head...try to fix the problem, be kind, and move on. Life is tooooo short. CONGRATS TO THE NEW COUPLE!!! PICTURES???? JOHN AND TRERESA
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Fibb222 @ Mar 29 2007, 12:38 PM) [snapback]414254[/snapback]</div> Yeah, got that. Sorry for the confusion. The dissonance between the other poster's quote and his message threw me way off. Again, sorry about that one.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Frost @ Feb 17 2007, 01:34 AM) [snapback]391908[/snapback]</div> Bill, that's unfortunate - don't give up on PC though. I'd been in Australia on a documentary production awaiting replacement video gadgets with wires and little screens the US. I had solid tracking info from a reliable carrier and the goods never showed. I feel your frustration. I also know when I went to fly back to the US I was held up for an hour and a half while Aus customs/immigration guys examined - I mean dismantled my gear. It could be something with your infrastructure. A lesson learned, pay for the tracking and premium shipping and you still may not get your goods in far off lands(it's happened elsewhere on the globe for me), but do respond to your customers as stated by SKYNIGHT, it's important. - And yes wait until they get back and may they have a wonderful honeymoon!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(robincx @ Mar 30 2007, 06:00 AM) [snapback]414793[/snapback]</div> robin, do you have a larger picture of your car? Those rims look pretty damn sweet!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danny @ Feb 20 2007, 08:12 AM) [snapback]392910[/snapback]</div> I'd rather just take a refund thanks. There's not much point in putting trunk mats, side protection mouldings and mudflaps on a car that's nearly one year old.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Frost @ Mar 31 2007, 08:50 PM) [snapback]415703[/snapback]</div> My Prius is about a year old and I'm still thinking about the side mouldings. It all depends on your road conditions, mileage, etc., and how long you keep a vehicle And if it has taken you from Feb 20th until March 31th to answer Danny's msg to you then maybe part of the blame is on your end. But I do put the burden on Danny to have resolved this in some way by now.