Sure, it's just a car. The more important thing is that the whack should have NEVER HAPPENED -- what major defect in how our society works allowed said crazy lady out on the roads, endangering life, limb, and property? It's easy to get emotional about the results, but how about a little "from the gut" response as to causality... wouldn't that be a novel concept. . But speaking from the nutcase side, some of us have sort of applied a personality to our cars -- a reflection of ourselves, perhaps, and in some cases it represents a lot of work that isn't replaceable by simply throwing a check at it. Hours spent modding a car, or hours spent bonding with and training birds ... either can hurt when some random factor comes along and damages our accomplishments. Frankly, our real sickness is that we don't immediately shed and destroy said random factors as defective and harmful to the 6.5-billion-strong organism. Bottom line: people who deliberately cause hazards and/or damage are EXPENDABLE. . _H*
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IAO @ Mar 28 2007, 10:48 AM) [snapback]413504[/snapback]</div> You totally missed my point. I am a pet owner and lover too, and I was never saying that a material possession like a car or anything else are as important as a pet. All I was suggesting is that you be a little more tolerant of people that have different priorities in life than you. There are PLENTY of people who see animals as posessions and do not have the same care and love for them you and I do. That doesn't make us wrong, and just because you are not attached to your car doesn't mean people that are attached to their cars are wrong either. A car is a very personal thing to a great percentage of people, and its normal for people to feel violated when something they own and care about gets damaged or destroyed whether its alive or not. If you're on this forum, you're already way more attached to your car than most people. That is totally ludicrous and you know it. For one thing the OP actually told his tale in a rather dispassionate way. I never got the sense from him that he was irrational about it, simply saddened as well he should be. Some people on here get over emotional about these cars thats true, but to say people would give their familes over to save their cars? Thats out of line. Again, you totally didn't get what I was saying. Nobody is comparing a car to your birds. My only point was that your enthusiasm, attachment, and care of your birds is equally as bewildering to many people as others' attachments to their cars are to you. I know tons of people that would say that you have issues and need help because you think birds can love, show loyalty to you, be a friend, or care that they feel pain. I am not one of those people, but they are out there. So don't be so quick to judge others for their concerns. For the record, I never saw the OP ask for emotional support. He simply relayed to the forum what happened to him. I'm extremely saddened for you by the loss of your birds. I can't imagine what that must feel like...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JimN @ Mar 28 2007, 09:39 PM) [snapback]413971[/snapback]</div> Really? Must not have been built by British Leyland.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kayemarschke2 @ Mar 29 2007, 10:49 PM) [snapback]414620[/snapback]</div> Ok sorry I was not attacking you personally. I apologize if I made you feel that you should not have posted, that was not my intention. Another person posted about it just being a car and I thought s/he was responding more to the people who pasted after you. My point was more related to the people on some of these car forums who talk about their car like it is a member of the family and post pics like the car is a child or pet. I know it would totally suck to have a brand new car get hit/ scratched/ or dinged. Yes I feel bad that it happened and like I said yes it sucks. I am not going to act like I am all sad for you and treat you like you need a shoulder to cry on. Maybe I am harsh because I have no real attachment to my car other than it gets me from point a to b and it saves gas. I had a mini cooper s and that car was fun to drive and I liked going out and finding a good curvy stretch of road to drive on. That car was fun but I didn’t love it. Please do not feel that you shouldn’t post because someone like me acts like a jerk about it. Post what you want but also keep in mind that this is an open forum and everyone will have an opinion to give. Posting on open online forums is like going to the street corner and shouting something out. Some people will agree and like what you said others will not and then others couldn’t give a _____. But again I am sorry.
I know we are off topic, but to add to the fray: My wife deals with personal bankruptcy. One more than one occasion, her clients have been willing to give up their home as opposed to losing their car (when the choice is an option). In every case the car in question was a very expensive SUV (i.e. Cadillac Escalde, Lincoln Navigator, etc.). Also, in every case, the cost of owning the vehicle places their entire family in serious financial stress. The ability to afford food and clothing becomes an issue versus the car payment. Being in Los Angeles, I am exposed to an overwhelming lack of priorities when it comes to vehicle ownership. My Prius is the first new car I have ever owned. I am very excited to have it and to be a part of a shifting attitude about what a car is and what a car should be. I purchased it because the price was right, and it makes social and environmental sense. However, when all is said and done, it is just a car. The odds are in LA that my Prius will get damaged in some way. As long as my Family can walk away from it, I won't feel any loss for the car. 2¢ (there it is).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dentedwheel @ Mar 30 2007, 01:31 PM) [snapback]414927[/snapback]</div> Sounds like my comment about the mugger might not be all that far fetched. Kids going hungry so someone can have a car/ vehicle. !wow!