From Car and Driver magazine, May, 2007, page 42: "Hybrids don't go vroom-vroom, part two: California, the state in which the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, reigns, will not extend any more car-pool-lane passes to hybrid owners. Since 2005, the state has offered 85,000 permits to hybrid owners to drive solo in the fast lane. A sticker on the rear bumper lets cops know if the hybrid has authorization to use the lane. To encourage gas-electric-vehicle purchases, the state set aside permits for hybrids on a first-come, first-served basis. The program drew flack when the fast-moving lanes bgan to be clogged with hybrids and, worse, slow-moving hybrids. The permits expire in 2010 and probably will not be renewable." It sounds like even the state of California wants drivers to go with traffic (note the mention of "fast moving lanes" and "slow moving hybrids") and not perform their "how little fuel can I use with pulse-glide-cruisecontrol-light-pedal-make-the-arrows-disappear" etc. engineering tests on the freeway.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(adam1991 @ Mar 29 2007, 05:07 PM) [snapback]414588[/snapback]</div> There have been numerous mentions of the report which "determined that California's HOV lanes were operating only at two-thirds of their capacity and not easing congestion as much as they could; the idea was to stimulate demand for hybrids and thus reduce the emissions of greenhouse pollutants." As the HOV stickers were capped, and not all of the hybrids are using the HOV lanes all of the time, it would be difficult to prove that the Hybrids are "clogging" the HOV lanes. If this were the case, and the HOV lanes were generally slow, the Hybrids would no longer be taking the car pool lanes to save time. When we opt out of the HOV lane, it has not been a hybrid which has slowed it down.
This sounds like a troll topic but I'll bite. California drivers are for the most part... insane. 55Mph means ~70, 65 means at least 80 and the parts with 80 mean 85 or 90. Insanity. Increased fuel consumption aside I am often stunned by just how fast people drive from a safety perspective. When all other lanes are slow and go at ~15-20mph it is simply UNSAFE to drive 65-70 in the carpool lane. Do you know it takes a top-end sports car about 90 feet to stop from 60mph? That's with the driver knowing about it and I've seen more than one occasion where some poor sap tried to get into the carpool lane and got nailed by someone he had no chance of seeing (@70mph you cover about 100 feet per second). Forget convenience, forget fuel economy and forget that "vroom vroom" speeding is illegal. As all of the road signs out here in CA say... "Drive to Stay Alive"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Platypus @ Mar 30 2007, 01:06 AM) [snapback]414749[/snapback]</div> The speeding isn't quite as excessive in the Bay Area. I have noticed around the Sacramento area (and of course LA), people drive a hell of a lot faster than the Bay Area. I've been held up below the speed limit for no reason in the HOV lane by non-hybrids when the regular lanes are moving at normal speed. I also have been forced to go below the speed limit (usually also by non-hybrids) in the HOV lane and it was totally justified due to the other lanes being jammed solid going below 20 mph. While I don't doubt that there are a few slow poke hybrid drivers (unjustifiably) going below the limit in the HOV lanes, I think the supposed backlash is just a case of jealousy. The jealousy being from a combination of maniac drivers, solo drivers who can't use the HOV lanes and maniac HOV cheaters.
Keep illegal solo drivers out of the diamond lanes and watch the crowd thin out. Keep those solo drivers from ENTERING the diamond lanes and watch cautious drivers speed up, knowing they won't have to panic stop for some creep illegally jumping into the lane. No more laws needed. Just enforce the existing ones...and make a bundle for the localities on ticketing illegal drivers. A 2 month crackdown would make the lanes safer for all for the foreseeable future. This could all be accomplished with cameras and huge fines thereby not using law enforcement officer's time or making the diamond lanes dangerous by stopping violators. Will is not just a nickname.
lol... I've heard enough stories about California drivers. I'm not trying to generalize but you can't deny the fact that it's there. 80-90mph seems to be the norm. Up here, our speed limits are 80-90km/h lol.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius @ Mar 30 2007, 09:38 AM) [snapback]414933[/snapback]</div> The speed is bad enough, but it's that speed at bumper to bumper that is so nerve wracking. One person flinches and there's a huge mess to pry apart.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Mar 30 2007, 10:43 AM) [snapback]414939[/snapback]</div> Just this morning, 210 east near Mountain, I had just exited the HOV and was in the middle lane. Brake lights in the lane nearest the HOV, some bozo in a Mustang, decides to blow by the braking lane and zigs into the HOV, across the double yellow, right in front of a Honda. They collided, the Honda rode the guardrail on two wheels, and came back to earth. With no breakdown lane (mechanical or mental breakdown) this happens all the time. I am most scared when the lane next to the carpool is stopped, or slowing, and the HOV is moving normally, for the lane-jumpers who can't wait. If that makes me a "slow" hybrid driver, oh, well. According to my Scangage, I was able to go 82 max speed this morning. Lucky for me, not at the time of the aforemnentioned excitement. Be careful out there.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(adam1991 @ Mar 29 2007, 05:07 PM) [snapback]414588[/snapback]</div> That is what Car and Driver editorial staff would want you to believe. Have you seen any reports of similar opinions which have been verified as having been expressed by state officials in policy making positions?
I will freely admit that I am an "insane driver". I normally proceed with the flow of traffic. I have no problems keeping up with traffic in the Prius. It even has some suprising passing pickup. I think the greatest issue is the differences in speed. Some people insist on using the freeways in a selfish manner. It is obvious to me that there are people who feel they must drive the speed limit regardless of the hundreds of cars passing them. That is why on multiple lane highways, all people should favor driving in the right lanes and only use the left lanes for passing. If this method was used on a regular basis, it would eliinate the 90mph yahoo in the fast lane from being taken by surprise by the 55mph purist in front of them. Just so people are aware, in Los Angeles, a great percentage of accidents occur below the 55mph posted freeway speed limits. The second greatest issue is, Multi function display or not, HANG UP THE D@MN PHONE! (Sorry for the outburst) By the way, if the fast lane is the left lane, and the HOV lane is left of that, that must mean the HOV lane is the FASTER lane. Right?
I agree about watching out for people crossing into carpool lanes suddenly. I see it 2-3 times/week and it's DAMNED scary. It is common sense to slow down big time in the carpool lane if the non-HOV lanes are at a standstill or are going 30-40 mph less. There are just too many idiots who get frustrated and just jump in the lane WITHOUT looking. I tend to drive as fast or a bit faster than the regular traffic. From what I've observed, the hybrid drivers in the HOV lane are no slower than the carpool vans or the bus or the A-hole in the SUV yapping away on the cell phone.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(adam1991 @ Mar 29 2007, 08:07 PM) [snapback]414588[/snapback]</div> Everybody who drives faster than me is crazy; everybody who drives slower than me is an idiot.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dentedwheel @ Mar 30 2007, 03:07 PM) [snapback]415109[/snapback]</div> Ahhh no ... just because the HOV lane is to the left of the fast lane doesn't require a car in that lane to do a minimum of 80 mpg. I travel the 405 every day and I see people jump in and out of the HOV lane on EVERY trip to work and back. If I happen to cause someone to get to their destination a few minutes later but I get to mine in one piece that works for me. And no I'm not going 55, just driving what is safe.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Mar 30 2007, 08:24 PM) [snapback]415225[/snapback]</div> And I don't trust the driver going at the same speed. <_<
I drive with traffic. However, if traffic starts to drive at 75-80, I'll get out of the lane and let them pass. No one *makes* me drive over the speed limit. I'm sure they' won't be volunteering to pay my ticket. If I want to drive 65, I'll drive way over to the right or find myself a nice "slow" truck to follow.