I do not agree with this article. I just want to to know what you think about it. --------------------------------------------------------- Anti-Foreign Car Guys to Japan: Thanks!
I'm not so much for "Domo arigato". I'm more of a "domo arigato gozaimasu" kind of guy. It's funny how these people never seen to mention Diemler, BMW, Rolls, Mercedes, Hundai, and other countries from which cars come from.
I love it. "Waaah! We can't build cars as good as they can! Waaah! If we did, we'd have to spend less on executive salaries!" Seriously, I would love it if Ford or GM made a car as good as my Prius. Until then, I'd rather have a Toyota that's built in Kansas than a Chevy that's built in Mexico.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Mar 28 2007, 11:42 PM) [snapback]413975[/snapback]</div> exactly.
it read like a third grade book report. an assertion, no discussion, no solution, no justification for the existence of the article. right.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Mar 28 2007, 11:42 PM) [snapback]413975[/snapback]</div> The problem with your logic is that the vast majority of Toyota's and content come form Japan and the vast majority of Chevy's and their content come form the good ol' USA. Now I know Toyota and company spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year to make you think otherwise, but in the end even Toyota can't escape the facts.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Stev0 @ Mar 29 2007, 12:42 AM) [snapback]413975[/snapback]</div> The car guy's ought to read CONSUMER REPORTS' APRIL '07 issue! In it, CR reports on GM's high amount of Canadian / Mexican content. Oh! The car guys must not mind canadian / Mexican cars :lol: CR's April issue then goes on to tell how many Honda / Toyota cars are made here. I'm wondering how long it'll be before NOTHING GM makes even remotely comes from the good ol' U.S.A. B)
The irony of the whole quality control issue is that the Japanese learned the principles of QC from the U.S.! Before WWII Japanese quality was deep in the "crapper". Edward Deming's writings were taken to heart in Japan and the Japanese made a national commitment to Quality manufacturing. It took 'til the late '60's before it finally started to take effect. I was QC manager for Fisher Radio Corp. 1957 - 1961. Fisher had a reputation for building high quality, medium price "Hi-Fi" (then Stereo) equipment. We purchased a run of 2 or 3 hundred reel to reel tape decks from Sony/Superscope in 1959. The quality was so bad that we forced the manufacturer to set up an assembly line in our factory (then in Long Island City, NY) to essentially re manufacture the decks. There were no printed circuit boards in those days, and the units usually had 5 - 10 cold soldered joints per deck. The Japanese problem was ignorance and ineptitude - They recognized the problem and learned by their mistakes. The American problem was, and is accountants! We knew (and know) better. The motto has always been "build 'em cheap, build 'em fast, get 'em out the door" Ask any Cadillac Service Manager (who's willing to talk) about Cadillac trunk leaks - leaks that have been going on in one particular model for several years. The leaks are due to inadequate sealing materials in the rear window installation. Apparently it's cheaper to remove a rear window and re-seal it at the dealer than it is to spend 50 cents and 30 seconds on the assembly line.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Mar 29 2007, 11:18 AM) [snapback]414153[/snapback]</div> I'm pretty sure Toyota has spent more money getting their Camry plant up and running in the US than advertising. Sure, domestics make more of their cars domestically, but Toyota gets some credit for the Camry over the last few generations. It continues to be the #1 car in America, and they've built a plant here to respond to the demand, including the hybrid version. Also, to paint a more complete picture of GM, you have to mention that their entry into the growing "B" car market, the Aveo, is designed and built in Korea.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LaughingMan @ Mar 29 2007, 11:02 AM) [snapback]414177[/snapback]</div> You guys always want to talk about the exceptions. After you are finished patting yourselves on the back for buying from an auto company that employs 38,340 people in North America while GM, Ford and Chrysler have laid off and bought out almost 80,000 employees in the past 15 months. I would give anything for a chosen few of you to be in an audience with me and have the head of Toyota NA explain how Toyota is providing jobs for the US economy. What a farce! Remember every point of US market share Toyota gains costs 18,000 net US auto jobs. FACT!
TonyPSchaefer: OT, but where did you get that toy Prius in the "show yourself" thread? I NEED ONE! My 4 year old's favorite toy car is friggen hummer with camo that grandpa got him as a "hunting truck".
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Mar 29 2007, 10:12 AM) [snapback]414183[/snapback]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 28 2007, 10:33 PM) [snapback]413970[/snapback]</div> Malorn, some time ago I believe I asked for evidence that you are a long-time poster on other international car forums. I have recently checked the Puegot forum, a Porsche forum, Honda forum, BMW forum, and a Ferrari forum without finding "Malorn" registered to any of them. So I am inclined to ask: why Toyota and why the Prius and why this forum?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Mar 29 2007, 10:18 AM) [snapback]414153[/snapback]</div> Only 1/2 true. According to the Level Field Institute (www.levelfieldinstitute.com), the domestic content of Toyota products (including Lexus) was 47% in 2005. Hardly a vast majority from somewhere else. They define domestic content as "the percentage of a car's parts that were produced in the U.S. and Canada." And the numbers are sales weighted. I do admit that the Level Field Institute is biased. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 29 2007, 11:36 AM) [snapback]414209[/snapback]</div> When you feel threatened, you go after the one threatening you.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Mar 29 2007, 12:12 PM) [snapback]414183[/snapback]</div> It continues to be your assertion that Toyota is destroying America... But to me, GM, Ford, and Chrysler laying off 80000 employees has more to do with those three companies being extremely poorly managed and woefully bad at preparing for trends in auto sales in America. Toyota isn't on the GM board. Toyota didn't sign those 80000 pink slips. They do business. Is it cutthroat? Yes. But does that mean that Toyota should be hated because they are a better managed, more well put together company?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 29 2007, 10:36 AM) [snapback]414209[/snapback]</div> Throwing the floodlights on a member that has a threadbare profile and robust bait? In the next generation of forum software, I hope they have and expose' button for mods: - When flamers rant on drivers that go just under the speed limit on the righmost lane, a mod presses a button and his littany of speeding tickets appear in the thread - When someone reposts "Dust to Dust" for the 1000th time, all his GM vehicles and stock in Halliburton is posted. You get the idea.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 29 2007, 12:36 PM) [snapback]414209[/snapback]</div> C'on Tony, you know the answer - he thinks blindly following GM corporate down the crapper is going to work magic ... suddelly, if he writes his kookie threads often enough it wil GIVE GM quality ... suddenly take quality away from Toyota ... suddenly REVERSE the cars listed in this month's Consumer Report's LOW quality pile and put them on the Toyota / Quality side of the line.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 29 2007, 11:36 AM) [snapback]414209[/snapback]</div> I started on here in 2005 after coming from a board meeting (environmental organization)where most in attendance had recently purchased a Prius to make themselves feel like they were doing something to help the environment. Mind you these were people who for the most part drove the Prius as a kind of enviro trophy or liked to talk about it at cocktail parties. When it was "really" time to travel a Suburban, a BMW, or a jet was employed for that. That said many of you on here rely on the Prius as your main mode of transportation and I have no problem with that. That experience combined with the "free" coverage Toyota was enjoying at the time, based on the Prius and hybrid was infuriating me. In my estimation the Prius timing was perfect to provide Toyota a perfect cover to the media as Toyota's product line continued to get beefier and less fuel efficient. Who could fault toyota for trying to sell more and bigger cars and trucks when they were "helping the earth" with the Prius? This move by toyota has culminated recently with the introduction of the "biggest, badass truck on the planet" and toyota's entry into NASCAR. I came on here to learn about Prius and Prius owners and have found many enjoyable articles and threads on here. I have learned that many of you have your heart in the rightplace, I just disagree with the means you have chosen. There are also some of you that seem to be drones for Toyota and I am starting to wonder how many "plants" Toyota has on here. i know that GM and Ford monitor sites like this so i am sure Toyota does too. There is only one real threat to GM and Ford in the US market and that threat is Toyota. Especially GM now only considers the competion as toyota and to a much less degree Honda. A huge paradigm shift in the last 18 months after concentrating on only ford for 70 years. I usually only get involved with a thread if there are I read terrible generalizations about GM, Ford, or Toyota and the US economy. GM is now encouraging dealership management to mystery-shop Toyota dealers whenever possible. What is being said in the showrooms is astounding. "Toyota is helping the American economy." "Chevy's are built in Mexico and Toyota's are built in the US." "Ford continues to build gas-hogs" "fuel-efficient Chevy's all come from Korea" Four examples I heard at two different Toyota dealerships in Dallas in January.
I think the main threat to GM is a dwindling supply of the stuff that fuels their products. Though some would call GM management as the biggest threat to GM. Toyota was gaining ground on GM long before the Prius. Though I must add, the Prius is the first out of 6 cars I've owned that is NOT from the big 3.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Darwood @ Mar 29 2007, 01:07 PM) [snapback]414284[/snapback]</div> You will have to refresh my memory, what do Toyota's run on again? <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Darwood @ Mar 29 2007, 01:07 PM) [snapback]414284[/snapback]</div> Ten years ago i would agree with you. The current mangement is very focused and hungry. Remember the management 10 years ago was trained for the most part when GM had 50 percent of the market. The arrogance hung around for far too long. Believe me it is gone now.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Mar 29 2007, 12:56 PM) [snapback]414277[/snapback]</div> I and most people here are upset about how toyota brands and markets their gas guzzling trucks and SUVs. The only real threat to GM and Ford is their own incompetence at delivering the vehicles that the world desires with good quality and mileage (this is a corporate planning/strategy problem). They can sell their SUVs and trucks, by why not concentrate on their car segment more?? Also, why is it that every GM dealorship has all of its Suburbans/tahoes/Hummers in the front of the dealership lots, while their cars are in the back somewhere?? The only thing that GM has for themselves is a good standard warranty (if only toyota and others could follow that lead). I am interested in what is said in Toyota showrooms?? When I went shopping for vehicles, GM and Ford were never brought up; nor was I even given any Toyota hyperbole. It was all about the specific models I was interested in.