I had taken my smart key off the keychain so it was more portable during my presentations, and left it in my presentation binder (in the car) over night. No biggie. My husband accidentally pushed the panic button on his Fob of my car and then pushed lock last night, without me realizing. This should not have locked the car since my Fob was inside, but evidentally it LOCKED all the doors & the hatch. I discovered it this morning and almost panicked. My huband was already off at work. Luckily, being my paranoid self I had made copies of the little key that hides inside the Smart Key. After I fully understood the concept of the Smart Key System, I realized I probably would never need the copies. I ran into the house and found the copy, and opened the car door. The Smart Key was fully functional, and (like normal) I did not even need to put it in the ignition to get the car to power on. Therefore, the car WAS sensing that the key was inside, but yet allowed itself to be locked. :blink: As far as I understand, this is supposed to be impossible. Has anyone else had this happen to them? :huh:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(razzledazzlebee @ Mar 28 2007, 02:55 PM) [snapback]413692[/snapback]</div> I know that you can not lock the SmartKey in the car with the buttons on the OUTSIDE of the doors. I know you CAN lock it in by using the lock button on the INSIDE of the door, then closing the door, since a friend of mine did that in his Prius. Also, if you use the button on the fob to lock the doors, you can't unlock it with the Smart Key, you need to unlock with the fob or the little key. Maybe this is a similar scenario. They didn't expect anyone but the driver to have a fob so if it gets a lock signal from the fob, it doesn't search INSIDE the car before locking. Just a guess.
You can lock another FOB in the car using the Lock button on your FOB. I often do this when travelling and my wife leaving her FOB in the car. First I try to give her a look "Grrr, I have to take my FOB out of my pocket." Of course usually she's gone by then, taking the girls to the bathroom. Like I have it rough. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bruceha_2000 @ Mar 28 2007, 01:04 PM) [snapback]413700[/snapback]</div> No, you can't. Which Friend? They're lying.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jeneric @ Mar 28 2007, 09:08 PM) [snapback]413703[/snapback]</div> Unlocking with the Smart Key in pocket and hand on the handle is perfectly possible after locking the car with the fob. Just wait about five seconds.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jeneric @ Mar 28 2007, 04:08 PM) [snapback]413703[/snapback]</div> LOL! I have to do this all the time with my wife too. A lot of good it does her carrying her smart key when it is in the car all the time. :blink: Tom
I'm still trying to figure out the whole smartkey thing. I thought it would work outside the car no matter what but I found otherwise. Last week I went to WalMart with the wife and kids. She decided it best for me to run in while she and the kids stayed in the car for a few minutes. I powered off the Pri and then a few seconds later pushed the power button one time with my foot off the brake pedal to allow them listen to the radio while I was gone. I asked my wife to lock the doors once I left. I took the smartkey with me and upon my return tried to open the hatchback.... no go. I tried to open the driver door and again... no go. I even tried pressing the unlock button several times... no go. I had to have my wife unlock the door from the inside before I could get in. Why it behaves like this, I don't know.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jackovalltrades @ Mar 29 2007, 08:59 AM) [snapback]414090[/snapback]</div> The unlock button should always work, unless the battery in the fob is dead. The smart key will work unless one or more of the following is true: 1) The battery in the fob is dead. 2) The SKS switch under the steering wheel is turned off. 3) You manually locked the car, such as pressing the lock button on the fob. 4) Something is interfering with the signal, such as a cell phone in the same pocket. I may have missed a case or two. Someone else jump in here if I did. Tom