Will shower in the morning--your lightning storm will probably be here by then. Next poster ate dinner on the terrace tonight.
Nope. The next poster actually enjoys going to the dentist. (And no, not in some S&M Steve Martin/Bill Murray way, more like he/she likes having their teeth cleaned.)
I like the results, I just don't like the experience. And whenever I have a dental appointment, I can't help thinking of the <strike>Nazi dentist in Marathon Man.</strike> Oh my God- I almost shut down the thread! The next person would much rather get a massage than go to the dentist.
Sometimes dessert IS the main course. B) The next poster is groggy today from taking a muscle relaxer too late last night.
No, but I did eat a few Girl Scout cookies to tide me over for a couple hours. The next poster got a lot of work done today.
No, I haven't. I just got back from being out of the office for a few hours. The next poster is good at deciphering words that their boss scribbles.
No. My supervisor has the worst chicken scratch in the history of mankind. Animalkind too. It's like his wrist throws up on the paper. The next poster wants to take a nap.
Oh my gosh YES! I'm still sleepy and have been awake since 5 am. The next poster will try and get to bed early tonight.
try but probably fail. again. :lol: the next poster is going to spend the better part of their evening working.
totally. when i write, i munch. not good for me, i know, but i don't spend a significant amount of time doing it so i guess it's ok. and there's this BP visible through the bushes in my back yard... and they've got all kinds of candy bars... gah! the next poster thinks it's too hot outside, especially given that it's only march.
Um, yes and no. I was very much enjoying the 70 degree temps over the weekend. Two full days of working in my garden. Oh, the joy! The next poster has done something recently that's changed their entire life (hopefully for the better).
Depending on how you define recently, then most definitely. Our first child is going to be born any day now. The next poster is ready for this week to be over. Oh, and in response to galaxee's about the weather. We just had a mild winter storm come through yesterday. Got a little bit of snow and ice. Not enough for us, we're likely to have a drought and bad fire season (that's already started) this year.