Date Ordered: 02-14-04 Dealer Ordered From: Burt Toyota (Littleton, CO) Timeframe given for delivery: 4-6 months Color: Seaside Pearl Option Package: #7/AM # on Dealer Waiting List: ~45 Eagerly awaiting my Prius, and talking with everyone here in the meantime! Travis
Travisdu, I would call Mountain States Toyota in Denver. If you are #45 on the list at Burt I would not be optimistic about getting the car in 4-6 months since the dealers just aren't getting that many cars. I got my car from Mountain States and they seem to get in quite a few cars. I was lucky and had to only wait for 2 weeks. Anyway, it couldn't hurt. I would go through their internet site so as not to get charged the D & H of $399 though. Good luck.
rockluvr, How do you avoid the $399 charge? It's unclear from their website. What do I have to do? Nate