I have noticed that several of the restaurant icons in my neighborhood are in the wrong place. Usually they are a block or so off. One strip mall near my home with several restaurants are listed to the west of a major cross street when they are actually east of the cross street. Has anyone else noticed this? It I were setting the nav to take me to one of these it would have me turn right when I really need to turn left. I have noticed a few other icons near my house also off by a block or two. Has anyone else noticed this? Is there an error in the GPS or the internal map? How often do updates occur? If there someone to report these errors to so they can be corrected in the next edition? Thanks to all, Tara BTW I love my car
Long known issue. To fit all the data for every home or business in the US on one dual-layer DVD would be impossible. Thus, to accomodate, they use generalities. If they know the house number on the north end of a city block and the house number on the south end of the same block, but your house is somewhere in between it will record the two on either end and then interpolate your address to get a close approximation. This usually works pretty well, but there are times where things get WAY off...as you've discovered.
me too. to be honest with ya, i want a map to look at because i want to know whats involved before i get there. i also want to look over the route while sitting in a restaurant having lunch, etc. unfortunately my Prius is not well-behaved enough to come inside with me. of course, its no better or worse than mapquest or anything else. they do say practice common sense, use as guideline only.
That being said, it has been said that some of us with early versions may be entitled to a free update due to the blatent inaccuracies.
i guess a better question is does Toyota control that part of it or are they subject to the whims of a 3rd party vendor. the reason i wonder is that the way they treat the nav thing is so uncharacteristic of how they do everything else.
Rick or anyone... is there a newer version of the DVD out? would the dealer have it... I guess I could call, but it's more fun to just ask here...I found on our trip to Wyoming that the NAV lady found a left turn going and right turn returning, on a major hi-way that really wasn't there... the road went straight as did the map and there was NO intersection, best of all she didn't B*TCH, because I didn't turn... also a few streets and roads were missing... It didn't like the kids address even though there house is a couple of years old... also my house was was built in 1951.. my father-in-law had his choice of streets to claim the address on, as the house is on a corner...but the GPS doesn't see it as that address and the map lady says that the house address does not exist... but for $26,000 bucks you can't be too hi-tech... if this was a Lexus, I'd be upset.. Bob
My favorite error thus far is that when I'm travelling on the 10 FWY in Los Angeles (in one of the busiest areas of town by the way), it seems to think the La Cienega Offramp is called Cottonwood Ave?!?!! HUH? RobbW
The navigation data is provided by Geobraphic Data Technology (soon merge with Tele Atlas). You can go to their web site and click on the "Community Update" to notify them of errors. You will need to register. I have found a few errors. The most serious was that it tried to have me use a road that was closed off over 20 years ago!
Even online maps are not accurate. I took my daughter to Pawtucket, RI last Sept for a skating comp. The name of the street the rink is on did not match the name in Mapquest, but the location was right. I figured they had changed it recently as the skating club's website had used both names in different places. Last night I wanted to print a map for a friend who is going this year and Mapquest still doesn't know the new name, I had to use the old one.
if you are expecting better from Yahoo, MSN, Mapquest or whoever, you are in for a big letdown. in fact, i strongly think that all services take their info from the same sources almost. i noticed not all services are able to find the same addresses, but the map that is shown is always the same. for some reason, MSN is the more difficult to use for certain addresses and other addresses Yahoo wont even give me a guess about it. (for addresses MSN cant find, they usually offer an address they THINK might be close....on this aspect YMMV)
I just figured that with all the streets, roads, and highways, all the restaurants, stores, and parks, all the houses and addresses, there are going to be mistakes. I live on a horseshoe lane, sort of like a halfcircle with the same street intersected twice. Priapus has my address as the middle of the curve rather than near he intersection and shows my exact location as an address that doesn't exist. My primary purpose for getting nav was some of the other features in the BC9 package as well as navigating through unknown Chicagoland territory. Man, when I get lost, there's nothing better to hear than "setting Home as destination ". One thing that was funny was that while driving on a really lengthy onramp, the street name displayed on the screen was "RAMP". That got some giggles from my wife.
I have been using the Garmin iQue for 2 years and I would have to say that small problems are myriad. My home street is numbered backwards on the iQue. On the whole both databases are good. Send in errors. Be flexible. Chill and hang loose. These Nave systems are better than nothing. They will for the most part get you there.
Sometime Navi is just simply stupid.... For Japanese Navi interface and map is dune by Fujitu(in US called Eclipes car audio by Fujitu). Anyhow in my town has raised inner city loop freeway, so when ever I set driving driection to go somewhere, also part of direction I have to drive under the raised freeway, but problem is while driving the road Navi start thinks Im on freeway and give me wrong information(like get off this exit make turen and so on). But now GPS is loosing position almost every other day...
I live in Northern Los Angeles County, the largest geographic sq. mile county of LA. The nav. system (map & streets) is very unreliable and lacking in most respects. I know a lot of short cuts in the Antelope Valley, and the nav. systems doesn't even show any of the main streets going E to W, N to S. I'm talking streets that make the difference of being lost in the mojave desert vs. getting you to your destination. The know routes known to the system are way out of the way and are a waste of gas and miles. I would like an update also. On the pro side; I took a trip to No. CA. over Labor Day weekend, the map was great for an aid to get back on the freeway after rest stops, etc.; and it was a big help getting onto the proper freeway during transitions from one freeway to another.
Nav Help Requested What is the latest edition of the DVD? My new Prius (August, 2004) has a V. 03.3, which seems "old" to me if it is from 2003. I live in rural Florida and find the mapping good but the navigation poor. I have used Magellans and Neverlosts and found them much more intuitive, to say the least. This is my only disappointment with the car. Can anyone help me with the following: 1. If I set a destination, it wants to send me on a highway I know is not the best route. So, I proceed on the correct highway. Any other system would allow you to press a "reroute" button and it would get you to your destination from there. The prissy Prius lady wants me to take the nearest exit, and reroutes me to the other highway. Why won't it just work from the one I have selected (which is the shortest route. It is a toll road, and I marked toll roads ok). 2. How can I set this highway when I start out. When it offers me 3 routes, it does not pick this, the obvious best choice? Must I make it a destination? Is there a way to type in the highway of my choice? Such as: To: Tampa using Suncoast Expressway? Thanks! (PS Our Prius came in right after Hurricane Charley, so we donated our old car to a hurricane victim through a local charity. Now we've been in the path of 2 more and I spend as much time worrying about where to park the Prius as worrying about our waterfront home.)
While I have found the mapping and routing very, very good in the DC - Baltimore area, I had the same question as you when I want the prius to follow MY directions for a change. I found what you are looking for on page 44 of the Navigation guide bood, "Setting and deleting route (a) Adding preferred road" I've tried it and it works like a charm.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(CHART\";p=\"40507)</div> Have you tried to add more than two preferred roads on the same route? Don't work for me. So I made some extra memory points (favourites) along small roads that I prefer in order to cheat Nav Lady. And I had to deselect "Allow highways" in order to make Nav Lady even consider letting me drive on smaller roads. But now we get along quite well. I think we are starting to act like a married couple talking to each other but do not always agree. /Paj
Found it...and tried it at the time...but of course...I was the passenger and was locked out. Will try it next trip. Also found that this software is so old it does not have the exit to our area--which was extended 2 years ago, although the road is mapped correctly. The point is that the software should reroute you from the road you are on. If you take a shortcut you know, it should reroute from there; likewise, if you make a mistake. Do you think they are working on this?
One time I had to option to use freeways turned off. About the only practical route is to use a freeway. The result was to use the freeway and get off and back on at every exit!