Being on a some lists for a few months. I got bored one day in aug and started calling every dealer within 150 miles to my suprise I found a few on the lots and missed exactly the one I was looking for by a few hours. I got down to the one of the last dealers I had listed they just delivered the last person on their list and said its you lucky day you are #1 if you want MSRP. I said sure they ordered a silver #7 and called me the other day and told me its allocated and will be in port on sept 10 and should be at their dealership on sept 25 I thought waiting on a list was hard now I know its coming and its driving me crazy :crazyeyes: I know I will not be getting much sleep for the next 3 weeks
Yep. I was a little high strung as I was considering ordering my Prius last year. Once I knew it was a week out from delivery, I was unfit to live with!! Congrats Skew
Just picked up my 04' Silver #7 tonight a full week earler than expected I drove 74 miles home with a 48.4 avg having a blast. I can't wait to drive some more in the morning.
:multi: :multi: :multi: :birthday2: :multi: :multi: :multi: Congratualtions, it's your birthday, it's your birthday. Enjoy! and pictures, you must post pictures.