I noticed a bunch of people saying they drive safer in the Prius compared to other cars. This is kind of an awkward poll, but I'm just wondering if people have found that they speed more or less since they got their Prius. For poll purposes, I will define "speeding" as CONSISTENTLY going more than 5 miles per hour OVER the speed limit whenever the opportunity arises (N/A in stop and go traffic). Posting is optional, and voting is anonymous. If you have found yourself driving safer, Is this because of the gas mileage screen, and trying to conserve gas by going slow? Or the large digital speedometer in the line of sight? Or a combination of both? Or something else? I have never sped very much, but I never speed in the Prius. Therefore, I voted "I used to speed, but not in Prius". This is mainly due to being more aware of my gas mileage.
In my Corvette or my Trans Am I was a terror on the road and a danger to everyone. Since buying the Prius I have slowed way down and enjoy the positive effects or such behavior so now when I drive the supercharged truck I am better able to constrain myself and I limit by agressive driving to quick take-offs and the occasional burnout because I'm still a dork.
I generally slows down to try to get better MPG. However, once in a while, I will floor it up a big hill to play with other people's mind to show how much power this crappy no show no go car can run up those hills on freeways.
Its probably too late, but you might want to add another choice for "If you drive slower, what's your main reason?" - I don't feel as comfortable driving this car at higher speeds. That's probably going under OTHER right now.
I still drive over the limit on the freeway, but less over. I have a two hour commute twice a week, mostly interstate highway, 65mph limit. I used to average about 80 but have dropped to around 70 in the Prius.
When I was younger I used to speed and race all the time. I am covinced that there are lucky and unlucky youngsters who race and speed for the thrill of it, I was one of the lucky ones. As I have matured I have gotten a lot wiser. I very rarely exceed the speed limit now. I set the speed control right around the posted limit on highways and try and watch my speed in congested areas. With the Prius it really makes it easy to slow down and try and eke out as much MPG as possible. There are times though, when if you drive the speed limit, you will be the slowest person out there and creating a bigger problem by driving the speed limit.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(John in LB @ Mar 22 2007, 06:00 AM) [snapback]410065[/snapback]</div> Might also want to add one that says "I just told you above that I don't drive slower" because you can't pick "Speed in previous car, speed in prius" on top and then successfully answer why you slowed down in the second part. It won't let you give a non-answer in the second part.
Is "not speeding" now the deviation from the normal? Most drivers seem very keen to push on regardless of the conditions. Five years back I would have stuck to the 30, 40 and 50 (UK) limits but would have made an assessment in 60 and 70 limits and most likley gone faster. Now I stay below the limits to drive smoother. After all, the drivers that pass me don't get much further and the average speed is what counts. So I get better mpg and arrive at near enough the same time as before - may be sooner if I don't need a ten minute fuel stop on route.
I still speed in the Prius, as I have in all cars, but I don't speed as MUCH in the prius. I've only had it up to about 80 mph... The other cars (except the pickup which has NOT been up to 80) have been up to 100 - 120. For routine stuff, I would probably drive between LA and San Francisco at around 75 to 80 in the Prius as opposed to around 85 - 90 in the Mercedes. With the Prius, it's a factor of wanting to be fairly economical. With the Mercedes, it's a factor of driving as fast as I can get away with without getting a ticket.
I speed all the time in my non-Prius car. In the Prius, I usually drive at or just above the speed limits (maybe +5 over).
Badly worded poll. "Speeding" is defined as "CONSTANTLY driving more than five MPH over the speed limit" (emphasis theirs). I usually drive 70 in a 65 zone, which in this definition is not considered speeding; however every once in awhile if conditions are good (eg, a nice, long downhill stretch) I'll go a wee bit faster, which is considered speeding, but since I'm not doing it constantly, it's not considered speeding. Either way, I do drive a bit slower (on a good day pre-Prius I would sometimes - but not constantly - go over 70), and that's entirely because of awareness of gas consumption. However, the software on this board won't let me answer just one question if there are two questions posted, so I can't answer the second poll even though I can.
I'd drive the speed limit (or 5 - 10 over) with my Corolla. I'm 21 and I drive like an old man with my Prius (5 - 10 under).
The mpg display in the Prius has caused me to slow down in both our cars. I used to drive about 9 mph over the speed limit on the highway in our VW Jetta. No since I've seen the difference that 80 mph vs. 70 mph makes in the Prius, I drive at the speed limit. If I had a fuel mileage readout in the VW I would have slowed down years ago. I still speed on the motorcycle. I don't ride the motorcycle on the highway much, but on secondary roads I'm usually 15 to 20 mph over the speed limit. Of course I ride the motorcycle because I enjoy it, I drive the Prius to get from A to B.
When I had a V6 it was easy to go at "far left lane" traffic speeds (80+MPH) during my commute. I did a lot more weaving in and out of lanes as well. I generally don't travel in the left lanes anymore since getting the Prius. Part of the reason is I'm more aware of the gas mileage - what with it staring me in the face on the MFD. Another part is the price of gas and the general awareness that - in the end - shaving a few minutes off the commute doesn't really get you that much. But to be honest another component is that I simply don't have the power in the Prius that I did in the Camry. It took a bit of a conscious effort to stay under 75 in the Camry. No such effort required with the Prius.
I agree that the wording could be better. Most of the miles put on our Prius to date have been in the HOV lanes of I-95/395 in Virginia, and there are some people who consistently drive below the speed limit, but they are the few and the brave ... and more often than not, they're driving a hybrid. Overall, I go slower in the Prius than any other car I have ever driven, but from time to time, I go fast (10+ mph above the speed limit) and in the HOV lanes, I try to go just a little above the speed limit (65), still getting good gas mileage, but moving along. On other roads, it varies but generally I drive closer to the speed limit than I did in other vehicles. And the reason is gas mileage, of course.
In the Chicagoland area, it is nearly impossible to not speed, legally. As far as the guy behind you, it's not possible to go fast enough. My father asked me about reports of hybrid drivers driving achingly slowly. I told him that I ONLY drive 47 in a 40, ONLY 42 in a 35, ONLY 37 in a 30. And the people behind me wish I'd driver faster. Speeding? It depends on how you quantify it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 22 2007, 02:25 PM) [snapback]410288[/snapback]</div> Agreed. To drive safely here you have to speed. Although I do speed less than I did before, I'm still speeding (on those few days I drive).--Scott
BP (before Prius) I would set the cruise at 3 or 4 miles over the speed limit while on interstate highways. Now I set it at or one or two below. It may be a "guy" thing but the goal used to be get there the quickest way possible -- now the competition is to get there via the best mpg possible.