Lately I have been hearing an annoying rattle which seems to come from the passenger area. I cannot seem to find the source. It is not coming from the storage areas, and seems to disappear when I have a passenger. Anyone else have this irritating noise? :roll:
I used to have the same problem. But now I don't let my wife ride with me anymore. Ouch. Oh. Darn good thing she never comes to this board. :mrgreen:
Mark... I heard some really bad noise coming from the back when I took the cats to the vet and left them... the drive after that was great... same noise when I picked them up and thru the ride home... have not heard it again.....
Gee Bob, I noticed the same when I moved from Atlanta with three cats. I figured it was their joints so I gave them some glucosamine and presto! No more noise! This noise, however, may have been something in the door storage compartment...will report back...
My experience with rattles is that they always go away after I empty all the compartments and cubbys.
I had a rattle after about a week. Boy, was I upset! It turned out to be the garage-door opener which I had put in the cup-holder. The solution was to close the cover of the cup-holder. Doesn't go all the way closed, and then it holds the opener steady and no more rattle. I need to bring the opener into the house with me because I live in an apartment and the garage is separate. So I use the opener to open it on my way out to the car, and close it again when I return to the apartment. So an aftermarket Homelink would do me no good. In the old Civic I clipped the opener to the sun visor, but after a while it began to wear a hole in the plastic covering of the visor. So now it's the cup-holder.
Daniel... I put my cel-phone in the cup holder... it was on vibrate and rang... there is the winning racket.... Mark, when we moved here I had an old cat (about 20) Sherry said I couldn't put him down... she took him to the vet for a check up... the vet told her he'd travel well if he could see out... after I quit laughing I caged in the club cab of my Dakota and we started from Reno to Denver...two trucks towing trailers... a few tense minutes as Sherry took the truck off the road when the cat wanted to drive, but in a couple of miles he had settled in and was a happy camper for the trip... he traveled so well we took him on a quick trip to Las Vegas and to Wyoming for our daughters wedding... that one he had to stay in the truck in the cold of a December wedding... I don't think he ever forgave me for that one..