Hi Team, I just returned from a week-long trip to New Zealand -- hence my absence from the last meeting. Weather was perfect -- 75 F and sunny every day (sorry, didn't mean to "dig it in..."). Anyway while exploring the Auckland, I "happened" upon a newly created dealership specializing in "used hybrids" from Japan. They specialized in Prius' and Honda Civics. Apparently, the hybrids have just started catching on in New Zealand despite most "foreigner" oimpressions that this is a "green" country. Prices were approx. $21kfor a 2003 with 50k miles! Even more interesting, they were also selling the Toyota Estima Hybrid Vans (see pics attached) for approx. $28k with similar mileage. [attachmentid=6931] [attachmentid=6932] [attachmentid=6933] [attachmentid=6935] Anyway, hope all are doing well, and I look forward to seeing you at the next get-together. BTW, Terri, hope your hubby is feeling better! Cheers, Robert
Note that car prices there are more expensive. US has one of the lowest car prices in the world. That Estima's steering is identical to the Gen 5 Camry sold here! Honestly, where's our Estima (Previa) Hybrid?!?! Not sure of the rear lights will catch on here since people might think it's gimmicky or out of place for a minivan but hey, it'll be LED anyway when it comes over since this is the old edition.
Welcome back to Long Island and in our next meet hope to hear your adventures from such a nice and far away place.