ok... so i cant spell either... but im closer... i think...one letter closer... actually that was a typo~!! ya! thats it! a typo!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bruceha_2000\";p=\"38373)</div> That would be assuming that going outside in and of itself wasn't also equally as "horrible" as being out in the rain.... it is, after all, cold and dirty outside! :roll: She is such a wuss....I can't believe she's a Lab. :? :roll:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas\";p=\"38801)</div> LOL, cool book! I'll look for it in the library next time I'm in.
And many others. He saved me. After Tom Swift Jr. in Jr High. He was the person who sucked me into books. Helped me learn to read then grok. He is da'man. Hated the Movie "Starship Troopers" not near the book. My favorite may be "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress". TANSTAAFL!! Assmiov is god and Bradbury. I just don't know "Dandelion Wine" and "Something Wicked This Way Comes" describe parts of my childhood. They are too close for comfort. I don't know where to put them.
I had no idea Starship Troopers was a book! Damn. If you didn't like the movie, don't go see Starship Troopers 2 (went straight to video). As for "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", "Dandelion Wine", "Something Wicked This Way Comes"... I haven't read them. I know, it's sad. I used to be a bookworm, and then I got a job (or two) and it sucked up my free time. I love Jules Vern, Bradbury, Asimov (got several Asimov zines too, with lots of short stories by various authors), and Arthur C Clark. Oh how I wish I had free time so I could bury myself in scifi books again! *sigh*
ever try audio books star? great way to relax before going to bed. most libraries have a huge selection you can check out. then all you need is a cassette player (for most of em that ive seen) or a CD player. (not as common yet, but getting better every day... realize public libraries are a bit behind the times)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Starbug\";p=\"39952)</div> I LOVED Starship Troopers the movie, I'm amazed I haven't worn the tape out yet... need to buy it on DVD... Extra footage and what not... Starship Troopers 2 I caught on SciFi or Starz or something like that and it BLEW. About the time it should have been getting good, it ended. Seemed more like, if they had made it a tv series, that would have been one of the "eh..." episodes in the middle of the season. Much of a fan as I am, I DON'T recommend the second one. The BOOK however is a completely brilliant piece of science fiction. Heinlein is a a phenominal writer and I want to get into some of his other works and see if they can captivate me the same way. Chaper 11 or 12... somewhere in there, they relate democracy and its downfalls to paper training a puppy. Sound strange? I thought so too, but it works First time I've EVER re-read a chapter 3 or 4 times before moving on in a book. Amazing! Even if you HATED the movie, I highly recommend the book if you even REMOTELY like science fiction and like books that get a fair amount political. Oh, and... keep in mind, this book was written in the FIFTIES! Fun little bit of trivia to keep in the back of your head when you read about the Russo-Chinese hegemony and a lot of the technology of "the day" even though he never mentions years. Great way to make a book "timeless"
Arthur C Clark. "Tales from the White Hart" if you can find it. Brilliant series of short stories. Ultimate Melody worthy of a Night Gallery episode Rod Sterling greatest effort the young leave us way too early. He may have been the greatest mind in early TV. You should read Clarks's book. I think in many ways it was his best work. He did many great things and in my mind this was the best.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bradca21\";p=\"40164)</div> I LOVED Starship Troopers the movie, I'm amazed I haven't worn the tape out yet... need to buy it on DVD... Extra footage and what not... Starship Troopers 2 I caught on SciFi or Starz or something like that and it BLEW. About the time it should have been getting good, it ended. Seemed more like, if they had made it a tv series, that would have been one of the "eh..." episodes in the middle of the season. Much of a fan as I am, I DON'T recommend the second one. The BOOK however is a completely brilliant piece of science fiction. Heinlein is a a phenominal writer and I want to get into some of his other works and see if they can captivate me the same way. Chaper 11 or 12... somewhere in there, they relate democracy and its downfalls to paper training a puppy. Sound strange? I thought so too, but it works First time I've EVER re-read a chapter 3 or 4 times before moving on in a book. Amazing! Even if you HATED the movie, I highly recommend the book if you even REMOTELY like science fiction and like books that get a fair amount political. Oh, and... keep in mind, this book was written in the FIFTIES! Fun little bit of trivia to keep in the back of your head when you read about the Russo-Chinese hegemony and a lot of the technology of "the day" even though he never mentions years. Great way to make a book "timeless"[/b][/quote] The movie is a pail reflection of the book. Read the book. Then read Stranger in a strange land. Grok your Prius.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bradca21\";p=\"40164)</div> I LOVED Starship Troopers the movie, I'm amazed I haven't worn the tape out yet... need to buy it on DVD... Extra footage and what not... Starship Troopers 2 I caught on SciFi or Starz or something like that and it BLEW. About the time it should have been getting good, it ended. Seemed more like, if they had made it a tv series, that would have been one of the "eh..." episodes in the middle of the season. Much of a fan as I am, I DON'T recommend the second one. The BOOK however is a completely brilliant piece of science fiction. Heinlein is a a phenominal writer and I want to get into some of his other works and see if they can captivate me the same way. Chaper 11 or 12... somewhere in there, they relate democracy and its downfalls to paper training a puppy. Sound strange? I thought so too, but it works First time I've EVER re-read a chapter 3 or 4 times before moving on in a book. Amazing! Even if you HATED the movie, I highly recommend the book if you even REMOTELY like science fiction and like books that get a fair amount political. Oh, and... keep in mind, this book was written in the FIFTIES! Fun little bit of trivia to keep in the back of your head when you read about the Russo-Chinese hegemony and a lot of the technology of "the day" even though he never mentions years. Great way to make a book "timeless"[/b][/quote] Yep, I loved the first Starship Troopers too. But also thought the sequal blew. That's why I said that if he didn't like the first, not to bother with the second. It really is too bad it wasn't nearly as good as the first, but then sequals rarely are. Whoa, written in the 50's... had no idea. Dave: I have tried audiobooks. I like them a lot, since being dyslexic makes reading very difficult and quite draining on me. So I do prefer audiobooks, since I can just listen to someone else's reading. (Note: as difficult a time as I have with reading, it still doesn't stop me from devouring a good book...) Eep, phone call... will edit (add more) when off... *gets off phone, and continues here* Hdrygas: Ah, yes... Stranger in a Strange Land. Read it and loved it. I would like to re-read it, actually. About a year ago I borrowed it from my boss at my other job, so I'll have to ask to borrow it again.
There is now an unabridged version. You must read that. The publisher made changes in the story. It is worth the effort to find it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Starbug\";p=\"37680)</div> Star you are Sooooooo cute... I think the LAW is 1/2 hour before sunrise and the same before sunset... knowing when that is... your way works best.. Bob Andersen
well star you will realize that when you get your Prius and the glare from the instrument panel starting bothering your vision, that when you turn on the headlights, your dash will dim into night vision mode as long as the dimmer button is set for it. just turn it towards full brightness until it clicks once to set it.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas\";p=\"40406)</div> Really?! Oooh, I hate it when they do that! Which book? Starship Troopers or Stranger in a Strange Land? *fumes at publisher* :cussing: :guns:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BobA\";p=\"40416)</div> Star you are Sooooooo cute... I think the LAW is 1/2 hour before sunrise and the same before sunset... knowing when that is... your way works best.. Bob Andersen[/b][/quote] Awww, I've been called cute and now I'm blushing...tee-hee... Heh, I'd forgotten about that law. I guess that's one lesson from Driver's Ed that didn't stick. Oh well, I like my way better.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA\";p=\"40466)</div> The day I run screaming around PC that my Prius has arrived, remind me of that feature! When I had the rental Prius, I didn't know about that mode, so I simply manually dimmed it a bit. ...I swear I'm gonna steal that car back from them....just, you know, til my own gets here....Is that still a crime? I like to think of it as "extended borrowing".... :twisted: :naughty: :mrgreen:
you could tell them that you decided to take it out to get it washed and after a few days of searching every car wash in town, you realized that none of them used this special kind of soap that you thought would be best for the car. so you took it upon yourself to make some of this special soap, but lacked the proper chemistry background to make the soap. so then you spent a few weeks reading about the process in the libraries to learn how to make the soap. it was then you realized as you prepared to make the soap that some of the ingredients were not locally available but could be grown... so then you spent a few more weeks preparing a garden to grow the special ingredient you needed. but of course, these things dont grow over night... but luckily they did need to be planted in the fall for harvest next spring. then next spring you can harvest the crop you need to make the special ingredient to put into the soap to wash the car and return it in time to go pick up your car. PIECE OF CAKE!!
Oooooh, I like it! Yes, that plan has to work. *plots* :naughty: :twisted: You can vouch for me if I get caught. :mrgreen: *edits for mis-spelled emoticons* argh....