I can only believe that the backlog of orders in Canada is over as our local dealer has a new Prius on the display pad. He also had a new one in the display area under the dealership office. So I guess it's now just like any other Toyota automobile here. Walk in and buy one and drive it off the lot.
In our neck of the Canadian woods, we're getting mixed messages. I've heard one Toronto area dealer say that Priuses are now available on his lot, but I've also spoken to recent purchasers who say that they had to wait a month or 6 weeks to get their car. Either way, it seems clear that wait times in Canada are going down. I wonder when they will start becoming available at less than MSRP?
What about us gringos south of the border (ok technically I don't think orientals qualify as gringos)
you guys south of the border will always have to deal with backlogs for at least the next year or possibly longer would be my guess. No data to support that thought just a "gut" feeling. Mind you you get the TSB's and the SSC's and we get the cold shoulder.
nope the down town dealer has 3 on the lot and these guys had a black one for a couple of weeks and I asked about it and no it was for sale. See 3-4-5 every couple of days now, they are all over now and getting common. People don't even stare at it now. All told about 1000 on the mainland now, Classic and 04's and as such not a raritey.