Take them out and home school them. If you send your children to a non-public school you agree to follow rules set by the school.
Unless the parents were told something different when they enrolled the kids and the rules were changed after the fact then they have no beef. The kids are getting an excellent free education above and beyond anything else like it probably anywhere in Africa. And they're being forced to eat "Yogurt, sandwiches and fruit"...wow that is terrible! This sounds like a strict parochial school...so what, if you don't like it take your kid out.
Yeah, if it were water and crackers I'd see the issue, but yogurt, fruit, and sandwiches sounds pretty good to me.
Keep in mind some of this is second hand info from the students filtered through the parents. I'm a teacher and I can tell you first hand....students lie. They color the truth to make it student-friendly. I once had a student tell their parent that in my choir class they could only wear choir robes to perform in, only sang religious music and we had daily bible readings. Well,.....LIE. But you'd be surprised what some parents will believe. I suspect the girls are given a healthy balanced diet. The fruit, yoghurt and sandwiches are probably an example of a lunch. The girls don't like that they can't have junk food and candy. As was said before. It's a private school. They're getting a free education. And I'm sure all of the rules were presented up front. Parents and students were probably ignoring the rules, blinded by the prestige of getting picked for "Oprah's School". My feeling is, if they don't like it...leave. There are a hundred girls waiting to take your spot. And they'll be more grateful for the free education and healthy lifestyle they'll be provided with.
Sounds a lot like the Catholic school I grew up in. Except I got gruel instead of delicious yogurt. Oh yeah, spanking was allowed in my school but only when the standard ruler smacking wasn't enough.
Oh my, I'll bet these girls have a regular bowel movement now thanks to Oprah! We all know how persnickery girls get when they're plugged up, maybe a couple of the girls on PC would like to try Oprah's Girl School Diet? Eh? Pretty Pweese? :blink: :lol: Wildkow p.s. No veggies, typical liberal, 'We know whats best for you.' attitude. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ Mar 14 2007, 06:05 PM) [snapback]405756[/snapback]</div> You grew up in a Girl's Catholic School?!? That answers a lot of questions, you dog! Wildkow
This is totally typical of Oprah. She was going to give me $5 million, all I had to do was come on her show and say thanks. I told her "No Dice Honey". If you think you can manipulate me like that, you got another thing coming. I showed her. Who does she think she is to push me around like that anyhow? :lol:
1) Life's a bitch 2) It's not a prison. Neatly fold your new uniform, don your old rags and leave 3) Go ahead and condemn your genetic line to poverty, someone else may want the unparalleled opportunity for advancement 4) Criticize someone who is putting her $ & time on the line for YOUR betterment, there's someone right around the corner offering better, NOT 5) Or realize the way forward is fraught with change...the one constant in the world 6) Grab the brass ring being offered, suck up to the disappointments and do better than Oprah when it's your turn. It's possible, she did. 7) Know your whining is causing me to rethink my donations to your cause
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(MarinJohn @ Mar 15 2007, 04:45 PM) [snapback]406396[/snapback]</div> The girls are homesick let the family and relatives visit. I can't believe people can be so callous. Obviously you haven't spent much time educating yourself about Africa. The school may not be a prison but some parts if not the majority of Africa might as well be a prison. So what does that leave them after they take your advice? IF after years of growing up with one type of food if you are forced to eat another and kept from loved ones it very much resembles a prison to me. Wildkow
But it's not like they're being abused. The family thing does seem harsh, but I'm thinking there are bigger problems to be solved in Africa than how the girls are adjusting to Oprah's school.
There a plenty of other prospective students seeking admission to the school. If the girls who are presently enrolled there or their parents do not care for the way that the school is run, they should make room for them: Here is another, somewhat more balanced, article on the controversy: News24 (South Africa) - Oprah's school 'too strict'
You know I find it sad to see a person forcing their values upon others (kinda like slavery but better). Yes Africa is poverty stricken and these people should be & sound greatful that their children can attend a free school. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16396343/site/newsweek/page/2/ Well said Wildkow! It does kinda sound like reform school w/o the gratuitus sex.. :mellow: The complaints are coming from the parents that are witnesses to the events. I couldnt see YOU EVER doing that!! Im guessing the school is changing the rules as they go along per the statement above. Also eating fruit,yoghurt and sandwiches sounds like a cheaper way to feed those kids than the way most schools do it.. I wonder if Oprah ever thought of tofu she could just artificially flavor it that would put more money back into her pocket. "Im waiting for the new Oprah toilet seat" then we can all site on Oprahs face... :lol: :lol: Again I think Oprah was trying to make a name for her chubby self / not like shes a big enough name now. but is forcing her way of thinking onto school kids that are her private school prisoners. So what let them have a sweet dessert other than fruit or yoghurt with each meal.... The Oprah craze is alive and well, I was listening to a news channel to other day. this guy was talking about his wife, and how she tapes Oprah. She loses wieght with Oprah, and gains weight with Oprah. Oprah tell people or suggests things to buy and they go out and buy it... The man said he tried to get his wife to go see a certain movie, she refused. a week later Oprah gave the movie 5 stars the mans wife told her husband they should go see the movie.. :blink: This affects millions of women around the world.... Again I guess it boils down to everyone has to have someone/something to believe in... B)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hycamguy07 @ Mar 17 2007, 01:44 PM) [snapback]407466[/snapback]</div> The parents aren't there to witness every meal. That is the kids talking through their parents.
Priusguy...... Oprah has donated money to open a school for children who may otherwise have no education and no food. The education of these girls will empower them to make (their own) better choices for their future and hopefully allow them to avoid falling victim to the many atrocities that exist in that region. Hopefully, the opening of this school will extend civilization to contiguous areas so that people don't have to be refugees and witness members of their families killed, raped and pillaged only to never see them again. Do you have any idea of how abhorrent living conditions in Africa can be while you sit and pick apart any act of philanthropy that's provided to this region? There are millions of people starving in Africa and you actually find it logical to criticize the fact that they're being nourished in any form? These girls are being forced to have their clitoris sliced off and you're critiquing the fact that they're eating yogurt for lunch. Get a friggin' clue!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SSimon @ Mar 17 2007, 01:10 PM) [snapback]407505[/snapback]</div> An act of educational philanthropy based upon western values as decreed by Oprah! They don't get squat unless it's her values and terms. Maybe it isn't a physical prison but it sure sounds like a mental and spiritual prison to me. Wildkow <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fshagan @ Mar 17 2007, 01:23 PM) [snapback]407519[/snapback]</div> Yeah, those darn 'dead' I wished they would stop trying to do good deeds and just lie down and stay the heck out of the way! In a nutshell fshagan, right on the mark. Wilkdow p.s. Now you can't go back an edit your post cause no one will know what the heck I'm talking about! :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SSimon @ Mar 17 2007, 04:10 PM) [snapback]407505[/snapback]</div> (1) Dontated Money?, Oprahs company runs the school, and makes the rules for the children/ oh sorry GIRLS ONLY school. (2-3) I agree that education is a valuable thing to have in a plauged society as Africa. Did you know Oprah could have open 5-10 public shools in africa for the price of the one and could have passed on the education to more than 100 or so girls?.. (4) yeppers I sure do, anyone can see it, just Google and its there becides being on the news. Nice touch to put in the clitoris slicing statement in there, I read about a tribe that does that. However there aren't people running the streets or a band of traveling nomadic clitoris slicers looking for all females... (5) I guess it would be ok to open a Church run private school there that still gives an education but also teaches the catholic way included in the education, If you look at it they almost are the same.. someone is offering Free education however you must live the way we tell you too.. Doesn't that go against what you believe in??? Its better than you live at home, so it makes it ok? whats that?... :huh: SSimon Read the posts & the links Oprahs just pushing the American way in africa, but its ok to do that in africa but not in Iraq.... its done through education .... how did you put it? "Get a friggin' clue"!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Wildkow @ Mar 17 2007, 04:30 PM) [snapback]407521[/snapback]</div> :lol: :lol: :lol: Again well said......